Saturday, June 1, 2024

Heaven's Scent

 “My Father’s house has many rooms; I will prepare a place for you?" ~ John 14:2

Cherise gazed out over grassy emerald hills toward ivory covered mountains that stood sentry to the bluest of lake waters. Crashing waves turned golden as they churned the sandy shore. The girl had never seen so much natural beauty at one time.

Her grandmother approached in a voice that tickled her insides. Her smile went viral. Engaging and beautiful, Gramma greeted her with a warm embrace; love given so freely yet priceless.

Across the gentle airwaves came a sweet chirping sound. She watched Gramma’s face recall the exact species of bird that called them. Birdwatching had always been her favorite pastime.

“What kind is it,” Cherise asked as the little bird, in a bold expression of golden feathers, settled on a blossomed twig. Its tweets were as clear as sunlit dew.

“It’s one of the 42 species within the bird-of-paradise group. This one is from Bali; isn’t she lovely?” Gramma replied guiding her granddaughter closer. They stopped short of the tree, taking in the moment, embracing nature’s gift, and sharing intimacy they hadn’t felt for too long.

Cherise closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and suddenly realized how much she had missed her Gramma. She’d always been her safe, sunny harbor.

“So, this is where you’ve been,” she stated, reaching for Gramma’s hand.

“Yes,” she said simply as if it should be obvious. “I’ve been getting it ready. When the time’s right, you’ll join me here. So will Grandpa, and your parents, your sibling and cousins. Someday, we’ll all be together again, in this place.”

Suddenly the girl understood. This was their own piece of heaven. “But I miss you,” she admitted knowing that someday wasn’t anytime soon. She still had a long life ahead of her without Gramma. She wouldn’t be at her birthdays, her wedding, wouldn’t get to see her become a mom, and watch her babies grow.

“I miss you, too,” Gramma stated calmly, “But I’m always with you. Watching. Preparing. Waiting.”

A moment of silence followed as Cherise acknowledged the truth. What a blessing to see her, hear her, and feel her presence. Gramma was at peace with death as a transformation, a pathway into Heaven’s glorious realities.

Cherise felt tears welling up in her eyes, knowing this was the start of goodbye. She couldn’t have Gramma back in her life each day. But mourning is the proof of love, of the bonds that exist beyond our reality, and opens a new way of connecting.

She shuttered and felt the softness of her pillow. Cherise hesitated to open her eyes and breathed deeply hoping Gramma’s perfume would still fill the air. As happy tears moistened her cheeks, she felt eternally grateful for that brief touch of heaven and knowing that she was loved.

Father God, I’m a creature of this world and crave worldly things. Help grow a desire in me for Heaven. Help me not be satisfied with the things of this world, but long for closeness with You and eternity in Your presence. Amen