Friday, June 14, 2024

Torey's Birthday

 “Keep your eyes on those who walk according to the Jesus’ example." ~ Philippians 3:17

Birthdays hold a special place in children’s hearts. They’re not just about getting older – they’re about celebrating with friends, enjoying games, and making lasting memories.

As this would be Torey’s first party with friends, his Mom wanted this one to be special - one where he could feel like the center of the universe. So, she invited his entire fourth-grade class, hoping to fill their home with laughter, fun, and of course, cake and ice cream.

When the day finally came, Torey was ecstatic. Asking him to wait tolerantly was like trying to tell a raging forest fire not to burn. His brain was cluttered with no other thoughts.

Torey had been attending the same school for three years and he even played on the basketball team. This was an opportunity to overcome his shyness and make some more friends.

But on the day when this boy could declare himself a big kid, moving triumphantly into his first double-digit age, not a single friend showed up. Not one!

Sadness drained from him like an electric vehicle on a sub-zero day. Torey wanted to cry but couldn’t. He coached himself instead: be brave, be friendly, try and remember that every letdown can, itself, be a blessing. Tears finally came as if the soul could bleed an ocean through the eyes.

Witnessing her son’s disappointment, Torey’s Mom, too, felt helpless and heartbroken. She vented on Facebook, reminding parents of the importance of celebrating these small yet significant moments. “Please, if your kids get invited to birthdays - take them."

And friends would come, friends he never knew he had, even if it was three days later.

Her plea caught the attention of four Arkansas State Troopers. Torey was at home after school when the doorbell rang. He was shocked to find four state troopers at his door. Panic was quickly replaced with excitement when he realized the officers were there to celebrate his birthday.

The officers didn’t come empty-handed. They brought presents, a birthday cake, and a police dog named Rhino. Torey became an Honorary Trooper, rode in the state patrol car with sirens blaring, and got to play with Rhino.

His tenth birthday wasn’t so bad after all. It would go down in his journal as the Best birthday ever; memories he’d cherish for all the right reasons.

Their kindness wasn’t just about gifts or cake. It showed the power of community support and the impact it can have on a child’s life.

Young learners look up to a variety of role models and it shapes how they behave, contribute to relationships, and make decisions. Positive role models inspire children to stay motivated, instill good behavior, influence life decisions, and strive to achieve goals.

Jesus, we fall short far short of the example you left for us. Help us to act more like You in loving serving others – seeking to serve rather than to be served, to love rather than requiring love from others, to even go the extra mile. Amen