Friday, February 21, 2025

My Spiritual BOD

 “Get all the advice and instruction you can.” ~ Proverbs 19:20

Many of the wisest people in my life have passed away as I’ve aged. The stalwarts of good sense, judgment, and inspiration are no longer available to me. So, one day when I heard a friend talk about his Spiritual Board of Directors (SBOD) for advice on something, I listened intently.

Public companies have Boards of Directors that consist of specialized advisors with diverse perspectives, expertise, and relevant experiences. They have fiduciary obligations to act in the best interest of the shareholders and provide invaluable counsel to the firm’s CEO.

As I’m the CEO of my own life, I sit at the head of my boardroom table - or sofa, picnic table, or park bench. So I wrote down the names of people in my life I admired for advice, mentoring, and influence.

My SBOD is a secret group, known only to me. In fact, none of my Directors even knows that they’re on my Board since we never actually meet. Members are not elected, have no term limits, and receive no compensation or recognition for their services.

These 12 cherished adults of integrity, wisdom, and authenticity who help me stay spiritually healthy. I admire them because they consistently lead by EXAMPLE and motivate me to become a better person.

They come from diverse backgrounds. There’s a secretary, a Pastor, a writer, a doctor, an engineer, and several retirees. They are people that I trust implicitly and am not shy to be vulnerable with. The Holy Spirit serves as my Board Chair.

Our faith journeys are fraught with anxiety, confusion, selfishness, and at times hypocrisy. The examples exhibited by my Directors help me stay focused on my identity as a beloved child of God rather than whatever other roles I might enumerate.

It's good to be intentional about the handful of people you choose to most directly influence your actions and your character. I often find myself asking “What would _ name _ do in this situation?” Watching how they live and interact with others, helps me make decisions aligned with God's plan.

Many of us turn to friends and small groups who pray for us when asked. I find it comforting to have someone I can always turn to for prayer. My Directors are people with the gift of intercessory prayer who make it their ministry to pray for others.

So why not give it a try?

Go to your sacred space and light a candle. With pen and paper begin writing down people you know who bring focus, joy, and light into your life. Their living testimony will help you become a better Christian, and encourage you to be the person God created you to be.

Almighty Father, my heart floods with gratitude for the incredible Christians You’ve placed in my life. Thank you for their love, guidance, and unwavering faith that draws me closer to You. May I always be a reflection of Your love through the relationships You’ve graced me with. Amen