Sunday, February 16, 2025

Settling In

 “He puts a little of heaven in our hearts, so we'll never settle for less.” ~ 2 Cor. 5:5

When bored or depressed, Murphy often scanned her favorite motivational YouTube videos for some lighthearted inspiration. Today’s speaker was opining about perseverance; never giving up. “What if George Sperti had given up after his first eight formulas (Preparations A through G) had failed?” she questioned.

The humorous but inaccurate answer was “He might never have invented the popular hemorrhoid treatment called Preparation H! We know how painful that would be.”

Fun Fact: It’s the most stolen item in the drugstore because people are too embarrassed to buy it.

Kidding aside, the Italian American inventor’s dogged determination eventually resulted in 127 pharmaceutical patents. He donated most of the money he received to the Institutum Divi Thomae, which he co-founded in 1935 to research cancer.

Murphy finished the video with twin thoughts on the subject. In this culture of money and materialism, one track reminded her that life often rewards those with strength and determination to keep pushing forward, even when the path seems daunting. Sometimes to the detriment of health, relationships, and satisfaction.

Could the antithesis of moving up or forward be “settling in,” she pondered; perhaps getting married, starting a family, or adopting a more stable routine. When everything seems to be working, if our marriages are comfortable, our jobs aren’t terrible, and our finances are secure, most people are satisfied. But are we giving up too early, settling for too little?

The bigger question: “Is God satisfied? Have we become content long before God’s grace has completed His work?”

Murphy knew that she needed His constant intervention until she was transformed into the perfect likeness of Jesus. She would continue to need the forgiving, enabling, and transforming power of His grace until every thought and desire in her heart pleases God. 

She would need His protection and rescue from the seductive temptations of this fallen world.

Murphy recalled what a colleague had shared years ago: “You have to bloom where you’re planted.” For example, there are many ways to see and know the world. Traveling to Rome won’t make one a Christian alone. Prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and allowing Christ the primary place in all life’s choices can make you more of a Christian than someone who lives there.

In the same way, something like “heaven” is as much inside as out; someone with a troubled mind won’t find peace anywhere, no matter how far they travel. Knowledge and contentment are found within, however much you seek it ‘without.’

So, don’t quit before Grace has completed its work. Cry out for more rescue, transformation, and deliverance. Be grateful that your Savior continues to work even in the moments when you don’t value the work you may desperately need.

Precious Lord, I’m a sinner who needs Your Grace and mercy. Shake me from my current routines and turn my focus from myself and toward You. Work in me, through me, and despite me today and every day. Amen