Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are Angels For Real?

“Angels are spirits sent to serve people who are going to be saved.”-- Hebrews 1:14
Angela and her eight year old daughter Cassie were sipping hot chocolate on their deck one cool fall morning.  They rose early to watch the sun pierce the darkness; barely noticeable at first – a small warm, rosy glow.  And then as if to take flight, the sun rises quickly, spilling golden light across the backyard, blanketing the grassy field and eventually scaling the tallest pines.  They continued to watch it grow into a gigantic fireball heating the earth as it rose to the top of the sky. 

It was so peaceful watching a new day dawn – the chance to restart, an opportunity to explore something unfamiliar.  Cassie wasted no time posing a question that’d been bugging her for some time.
“Mom,” she began purposefully, “Do angels really exist?  We talk about them in Sunday School, but nobody’s ever seen one, have they?”
As was common with Cassie, Angela needed a moment to absorb the question.  Her curiosity could be both irresistible and overwhelming.  “Well,” she hesitated, “It’s really up to you if you want to believe in angels or not!” 
Simple enough, but not the precise answer Cassie had expected.  This was going to take more thought.  Her mind began buzzing with ideas.  Later that morning, she hopped on her bike and rode to the library where she read everything she could find about angels.  Only after careful reflection, did she conclude the following:
I believe angels exist – but it’s up to you to see them or not.  I saw it in the sunrise today, and every time snowflakes collect on a windowpane, or when rain drops twinkle on a leaf after the rain.  Angels are God’s helpers, like a kid who shows you the beauty in simple things, or a friend who makes you laugh when you’re sad.  They can even be strangers who do nice things for other people – just because!
Angels come in all sizes and shapes: some have freckles, some have dimples, some even have wrinkles.  They’re disguised as teachers, baby sitters, bus drivers, and little brothers.  They don't take life too seriously.  They leave no forwarding address, they ask nothing in return. They are hard to find when your eyes are closed, but they are everywhere, when you choose to see them.
And when you go to Heaven, even if you didn’t believe in them, you can become an Angel to help others become the kind of person God wants them to be.  - The End
Mom was crying as Cassie finished reading her story out loud . . . tears because, as her beautiful daughter was reading, gossamer wings seemed to appear briefly on Cassie’s back.
Angel of God - guide, protect and enlighten me.  Encourage me when I am disheartened; teach me when I err in judgment.  Help me to become more Christ-like, so that I might be accepted into the company of Angels and Saints in heaven.  Amen