Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Bamboo Promise

"Don't tell the Lord how big your problem is; tell the problem how Great the Lord is!”
Hwan was not always a sad man.  In his younger days he was a carefree spirit, enjoying life’s gusto and cherishing each day.
That was then.  He stared out from a magnificent cliff overlooking the dense forest far below.  His life was no longer worth living.  Maybe he had married too young or maybe she never really loved him from the start.  There was no other reason she ran off with someone else; the guy was nothing special.
His wife had often complained about their dull life - working, sleeping, raising kids and working some more.  His job was a dead end, his marriage was over, and his spirituality was on life support.  He couldn't really blame her; he knew he wasn’t the brightest star in the universe.

He took a deep breath, and prepared to launch himself into eternal damnation.  Suicide would end his suffering; no more loneliness, no more self condemnation.  He decided to have one last talk with God.  “If You’re listening Lord, give me one good reason not to jump.”
God’s response was immediate, “Look around, do you see the ferns and the bamboo?”
“Of course,” replied a surprised Hwan. “The hillside is covered with both!”
“When I planted their seeds,” God said, “I gave them light and water.  The fern spread rapidly; its emerald foliage covered the ground.  Nothing came from the bamboo seed, but I didn’t give up.”
Hwan listened warily as God continued.  “The fern grew more vibrant and plentiful in year two, but again, nothing came from the bamboo seed.  In fact, years three, four and five still failed to produce any sign of bamboo life.  Still, I never gave up!   It wasn’t until the sixth year that the tiniest sprout broke the earth’s surface.  Compared to the fern it was small and immaterial.”
Hwan was losing interest.  What does all this have to do with him, he wondered.
God persisted.  “Just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall, sometimes growing as much as 3 feet per day.  It had spent five years growing the roots needed for survival.  I’d never give any of my creations a challenge it couldn’t handle.”
“You see my son, all the time you’ve been struggling; you’ve actually been growing roots.    The bamboo’s purpose was different than the fern’s, yet together they make the forest beautiful.  Your time will come.”
Hwan stepped back from the edge, and left the cliff to tell his story to you.  Remember, God wouldn’t quit on the bamboo . . . He’ll never quit on you either! 
God – You always knows what’s best for me.  Delayed answers to prayer may happen because You have something better for me . . . or that the timing is not right yet.  I believe You’ll never give up on me, and I’ll not give up on me either.  Amen