Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Outgrew Tattoo

“Your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, use it to honor God.” - - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Caitlyn arrived quietly, coming in from the rain after work.  Lying on her stomach atop a sterile, white gurney, she lifted one pant leg just enough to unveil the tattoo she wanted removed from her calf.  A mother someday - she doesn’t want her children to be ashamed by it. 
Regret slammed into her like a punch in the gut.  Long pants cover it up – but in the shower, it rears its demon head.  Her boyfriend thought it was cute.  Last winter Caitlyn thought so too.  Downplaying her shock, Mom called it simply a ‘Phase.’ 
A good kid all through school; Caitlyn had no wild streak.  Her breaking point came when at 19, she declared her independence by deciding to move in with the love of her life.  The family didn’t really care for him.  Maybe that was the catalyst for her intrigue; that, and his affinity for cheap wine and repulsive local bands.  “Sweet L’il Caitlyn no more – it felt good to be a bad ass!”  A tattoo would further assert her newfound freedom. 
They went to a small tattoo ‘factory’ where a dense potpourri of nervous sweat, dangerous chemicals and Taco Bell leftovers hung in the air.  She winced as the sharp sting repeated its chorus and blood oozed down her calf.  It hurt!  But soon enough it was over.  As she gazed in the mirror, she remembered thinking, “What a stupid idea!”  
 “There ya go, you're no longer a virgin," growled the burley ink-slinger.  Of course, he spoke not of her sexuality, but of spiritual dishonor.  She was "one of the gang", one of the "cool people" who rebelled against ‘the Man.’ 
Time marched on – and so did boyfriend.  A graduate of her bad ass ‘Phase,’ Caitlyn begged her Mom’s forgiveness for the agony she’d caused. 
She tried to relax.  Even with this painful laser treatment, the tattoo would always be visible.  It’ll take 10-15 treatments over the next two or more years at a cost of nearly $6,000.  If tattoos are the marks of an era — declarations of love, of loss, of triumph, or of youthful exuberance — then tattoo removals are about regret - confessions that those landmarks lie in the past.  They’ll continue to mark her shame for the rest of time.
Young people – here’s the bottom line.  The Bible doesn’t outlaw tattoos.  But if you have to do some spiritual gymnastics to justify one, it probably should be avoided.  Ask yourself – “Can I glorify God by this act?”  If you answer no – forget it!  The tattoo you love today may be the image you hate, or at least, couldn’t care less about, tomorrow.
Lord Jesus, You call us to be of sound mind, body and spirit.  Let the truth of who dwells within me be the motive for making healthy choices so that I’ll not lack the energy to serve you.  Amen