Sunday, January 29, 2012

Visiting Day

“Join with others in following my example – find strength among those who I have instructed.”  -- Philippians 3:17
It was a gorgeous day – the sun was shining brightly, the morning dew glistened like the finest crystal.  Song birds announced with idyllic harmonies, the dawning of a fresh start.  But to be perfectly frank – the weather could be miserably overcast with a stench of humidity and a forecast that offered little hope for several days to come – and his spirit would have remained exuberant.
This was the day he lived for each week - Visiting Day!  Six days of anticipation, his heart racing a bit faster as the day came closer.  He would enjoy this day as if it were his last . . . because you never know what perils lurk around the corner. 
The old man with the heavy key ring arrived precisely on time, to unlock the large, heavy doors.  The cold gray hall springs to life in anticipation of the family, and friends who will never stop believing.  He could barely control his emotions.  Families began to arrive.  He peers from the corner of the room, longing for the first glimpse of his loved ones.  How many would come today, he wondered?  Would they enjoy it as much as he does? 
He lives for these visits.  It would break his heart if they stopped coming.
As the cars arrive, he watches intently.  Then, finally, they arrive – people for whom he would do anything.  They embrace, thanking a higher power for the opportunity to spend this time together.  At one point, they break into singing, with interruptions of laughter and applause.  They share a light lunch and reminisce how things used to be.  What glorious reunion the future holds, unencumbered by the chains and bars of human captivity.  All too soon it’s over.  A tear comes to his eyes as they depart, until the same time next week.  Or maybe before!
Then the man with the heavy key ring closes the heavy doors again.   He hears the key turn in the lock marking the end of another special day.  Alone again, he knows that most of the visitors will not contact him again until next week; some will block him out of their thoughts completely.  
As the last car pulls away from the parking lot, Jesus retreats into solitude as He waits until next Sunday - Visiting Day.  
Are you a part-time Christian; is the time that you spend with Jesus an everyday thing, or do you just visit Him on Sunday?   Too busy?  We aren’t perfect, so church fellowship helps reinforce our Christian attitudes and beliefs.  It’s also is a great way to see what amazing things God is doing in the lives of others too.
Holy Preacher, fellowship is powerful.  I want to be an overtime Believer!  Help me continue to deepen my faith by making friends for life who share a common bond – the saving grace of Your Son.  Amen.