“Home is where the heart is." ~ English
The sensation grew stronger as she approached the row of
antique mailboxes.
Rebecca stood before the box 4395, more afraid of it being
empty than what might be inside. Fingers
trembling, she inserted the worn key and turned the latch. Just past the smoky glass, a white envelope appeared
amid the emptiness. “Dear God, please
don’t let it be another bill,” she groaned silently.
Moist eyes stared at the return address; news from home in
her father’s handwriting. She tore open
the letter; her heart racing with anticipation.
My Dearest Rebecca,

Now that you’ve gone off to college, I’m still nervous. The perils of
the world remain, but I don’t have much control. The responsibility for your safety is now more
yours than mine.
When I last hugged you goodbye, I wasn’t able to say all that I wanted
to. I love you. I’m proud of you. I believe in you. I know you’re ready for life’s next phase.
Your mom and I watched you grow into your own person, and we trust you
to make good choices (though we expect that you’ll make some mistakes that will
help you mature).
The next four years will have a huge impact on the rest of your life. So work hard, dream big, make good decisions –
and have fun! Let your values, your
faith, and your character guide you.
Never doubt that we miss you and will always be proud of you.
Dad (aka Daddy)
She read it twice then tucked it
carefully in her purse – a constant reminder of the support she’d need to cross
some hurdles and eventually the finish line.
There's just something magical
about a little something from home – be it a 10-page epic written on both sides
of the paper, or an amusing comic strip.
Keep those letters coming! Start
making those lemon squares. Never lose
Lord, as our children go away, we pray that
they’ll be safe, make wise choices and find Your guiding light. Help us to guide them differently, more
subtly, but with the same love and inspiration You show to us as parents. Amen