“Be strong and courageous, for the Lord will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
Mariah stared out the big picture window of tiny apartment, playing with her wedding ring as she waited impatiently for the letter. The baby kicked. At first it felt like butterfly wings, then little ‘thumps’ – now it hurt sometimes. She closed her eyes and rubbed loving circles around her tummy. She was due in less than two weeks, and he’d become very active recently.
He settled down after a few rhythmic strokes and she began to sing softly. She’d read that at 28 weeks, babies respond to sounds in the same way they will outside the womb; soft music slows respiratory and heart rhythms.

The mail arrived on schedule and she waddled to the mailbox. The excitement was killing her. She hurried back inside, ripped open the envelope, and whipped out the scented page.
A frown line appeared between her eyebrows and her mouth turned down at the corners. There was but a single line on the page in Trevor’s neat handwriting:
“New orders – I can’t tell you when I’m coming home!”
She put her hand to her mouth, staring at one single sentence as tears erupted. Why only one line? Now he’ll miss the delivery of their first child. She needed him more than ever now. Damn the military!! She slammed the letter down, then sliced herself a huge piece of the chocolate cake. Chocolate always seemed to help!
“Whoa there, love!” Go easy with that knife,” a deep, beautiful male voice warned from behind her. She turned slowly; her eyes widened to meet his. The cake slice fell from midair, spraying crumbs all over the counter. Mariah didn’t care, didn’t even notice. Her soldier was home – for good.
For those blessed to be with your families, let’s never forget the homes that have an empty chair at the table. Thank God for the brave men and women of our Armed Forces, Peace Corp volunteers and othe public servants whose sacrifices make the world a better and safer place. And a very special prayer dear God, for those homes whose empty chair will remain forever vacant.
Friends - Let us never forget the men and women of our armed services – those actively serving and those who have served to protect the freedoms we enjoy every day. May their sacrifice not have been in vain. Amen