Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter's Coming

“Jesus replied, “If my followers were silenced, these stones would shout out.”  ~ Luke 19:40
He taught me how to swim, to catch a fly ball, and to build a campfire, but the most important things he taught me were by his example.  He was humble, compassionate, and respectful. 
Dad’s 91 now; his once-brilliant mind ravaged by dementia.  He doesn't know my name.  He rarely says two sentences in a row that make any sense.  Only occasionally does he remember specific events from long ago.  And yet, without words he’s still teaching me that God is still present and working through all of us, even now, even on those days when I don't understand a thing my father is saying.
Last Sunday we took one of our customary drives through the Georgian pines.  There’s almost nothing like it on earth.  As farms and fields whizzed by, I noticed out the corner of my eye that Dad was straining to look out the window.
“Pine trees know when it’s Easter!” he suddenly exclaimed. 
Sometimes he blurts out silly things and then retreats back into his own silent world.  So I waited without responding.
“Pine trees start their new growth in the weeks before Easter,” he continued.  “Look there Kevin (Kevin is my uncle’s name – not mine), at the tops of the pine trees.  See the yellow shoots?”  
I had no idea what he meant, so I pressed Dad for more details.  This could get interesting, I thought.
“As the days get close to Easter Sunday,” Dad explained, “the tallest shoot will branch off and form a cross.  By the time Easter Sunday arrives, most of the pine trees will have small yellow crosses on all of the tallest shoots.
I looked out the window and I couldn't believe my eyes.  It was a week before Easter and all of the trees had tall yellow shoots stretching to Heaven.  The tallest ones shone in the sunlight like rows of tiny golden crosses.
It reminded me of when Jesus’ disciples were speaking praises of him atop a mule and the Pharisees told them to stop.  Jesus told them that if those praises were not spoken, “even the stones will cry out.”
Dad was right, and for a few brief moments we shared the intimacy of friendship once again. 
Spring is the season of life – a time to celebrate new beginnings.  Flowers begin to show their colors, fruit trees sprout the beginnings of their bounty, and babies of many species are hatching and birthing.
Many attend Easter Service on that day who don’t worship on any other Sunday.  The music is sweeter, the sermon more meaningful and some will promise to attend weekly - spirit renewed.  Peace be with you my friends on this Easter weekend and forever.
Lord Jesus, You conquered death so that we might have life.  You showed incredible kindness when it was undeserved and patiently taught us through Your example, to become better people with better lives.  Thank you for new beginnings!