Sunday, April 20, 2014

On Earth as it is in Heaven

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." ~ Matthew 5:8
"Have you ever seen God?" the small boy asked his sister.  Preoccupied with more important things, she replied briskly: "Of course not, silly.  God’s in heaven - nobody can see Him."
Time passed; his question lingered.  “Mom,” he probed.  “Has anybody ever seen God?”  "No, not really," she said gently. "God’s a spirit.  He lives in our hearts, but we can’t really see Him."
Partly satisfied, the youngster’s curiosity remained.
One day his grandpa invited the lad on a fishing trip.  They were having a great time together; it’d been an almost-perfect day.  As the sunset sipped what was left of a hot day to quench its thirst before nightfall, his angelic blue eyes looked at his grandfather with an intensity not to be ignored. "Grandpa,” he began.  “I wonder if you can answer a question that’s been bothering me for a long time.” 
“I’ll try,” suggested the old man upon whose weathered brow the history of 72 summers had been etched.  “Can anybody ever see God?" asked the young boy, content that his would be the final word.
The old man stopped fishing and turned his full attention to the exquisite beauty unfolding before him.  The sun, like a magnificent orange fireball was partially cloaked by hovering clouds.  Random hues of pinks, reds and even hints of purples and blues splashed across the horizon.  The sun, so large that he felt he could almost touch it, took its final bow and seemed to whisper "Farewell" to the world as it sank behind the epic landscape; almost as if it never wanted to leave.
Glimmers of light reflected off the still water.  The boy continued to watch his grandfather’s face as it reflected the deep peace and contentment of an ever-changing sunset.  Soon the sun disappeared, leaving behind a sea of dark, lonely clouds in a twilight sky.  The heavens began to litter the stars about; it was now their turn to shine.
Finally he spoke from a heart still fresh as the morning dew and with adoration for the Giver of every good on this blessed earth.  "Son," he said modestly.  "My God is everywhere.  It's getting so I can't see anything else!"
Friends, when we pray, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” we’re asking God to bring about His heavenly purpose on earth.  We’re making ourselves available and praying that He use us to do His will.
But just maybe, it’s also a recognition that God provides a hint of heaven here on earth, with beautiful sunsets, amazing wildlife and the evocative eyes of loving children.
Father, thank you “For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love that from our birth, over and around us lies.  For the wonder of each hour, of the day and of the night, hill and valley tree and flower, sun and moon and stars of light.”   ~ FS Pierpont