Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Teen Mom

“He never sleeps; He’ll never let your down.” ~ Psalm 121:3
A typical day for a high school girl consists of going to class, hanging out with friends, maybe catching an episode of Jersey Shore and meeting up later with your boyfriend.   But Jodee’s days were more random – and not in that ‘What-should-I-wear-for-Friday’s date?’ sort of way.
She’d imagined graduation, going off to college, getting married and having kids with the man of her dreams.  That was before she got pregnant . . . and her plans shifted into reverse.
It was bad enough that she’d given up her teenage life and any hope of finishing high school with her friends, but raising a child alone scared her the most.  The boy she’d known since middle school, the one she’d envisioned spending the rest of her life with, the one who she’d given her body to – left.   He dropped out of the picture three weeks after Madison was born.
Jodee stared at her reflection in the mirror.  Dark circles under her eyes proved that sleep had become a scarce luxury; her cheeks itched from the tears that had dried on them. 
She hated shows that promoted the joy of teen pregnancy, shows like "Teen Mom", "16 and Pregnant" and even "Glee."  They dangerously market pregnancy as “no big deal!”  Babies ARE cute – motherhood is REAL. 
It has its great moments, but it's difficult not to wonder what might have been if she’d made different choices.  But Jodee tries not to dwell on being a teen mom.  It’s just the next chapter in her life: one filled with endless diapers, midnight feedings, and the translation of Madison’s snorts, grunts and wails.   
Despite a supportive and loving family, the odds are against her.  Parenthood is the leading reason that teen girls drop out of school; more than half of teen mothers never graduate from high school, less than 2 percent earn a college degree by age 30.
But success requires looking forward; it’s never too late to start over!
Last month Jodee’s Grandma invited her to a Bible study.   It was amazing - just bringing those women into her life provided a ray of hope.  “If these women could love me . . . then maybe God can too,” she reasoned.  And today they were throwing a baby shower in Madison’s honor.  Mom and daughter were blessed.  For now, she’d devote her energies to raising a child; someday she’d be the mentor that another girl might lean on.
So many times we want to ignore past mistakes and just go on with who we are now.  But as our faith matures and we grow closer to God, we come to understand that suffering is as much of a blessing as faith itself.  Hardships mature our spirit, deepening our personal relationship with Christ. 
Child - I never tire of hearing your petitions.  When you are weak, I become stronger.  So rest in My love and cast all of your cares on Me.   Trust Me, I got your back.  God