Sunday, June 14, 2015

Full Throttle

“Godly people are also kind to their animals." ~ Proverbs 12:10
For Jacquie, working at Loving Hearts Animal Shelter was not just a job, it was her passion.  There she shared a love for animals and the people who cared for them.  The best part was adopting out a rescued pet – the worst part . . . well, you probably know that part due to the space constraints of their shelter.  Today would be a great day!
A young family arrived early, eager to adopt a puppy.   As usual, the Shelter was bursting with cast-off hounds, but no puppies.   Jacquie recognized their disappointment; she’d seen it many times.  Everyone loves a puppy, but like they say, "Every puppy grows up to be a dog.”
Not to be dissuaded, little Jayden decided to take a look around anyway because these dogs really needed a home badly.
One dog was walking and jumping on his hind legs.  Full Throttle, as the name on his cage read, was unquestionably a hyper dog with sad brown eyes that followed their every movement. 
Jacquie knew that no one would ever consider adopting him; he’d be put to sleep before long.  As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t encourage first time pet owners to adopt an overactive dog; they're just too much trouble.  This dog never seemed to rest.
“I want this one Daddy,” Jayden said excitedly.  “He’s trying to shake hands; I think he wants to come home with us!”
Jayden knelt down near the cage; their bond was immediate, almost sacred.  “Pleeeze Mom!  “Can we let him out?  Can we Pleeeeez?”
In anticipation, Full Throttle hopped impatiently on his hind legs.  When the kennel door opened, he peed all over the place.  It was probably the first time he’d been out of his cage in a while.
Jacquie cringed.  As much as he’d like to see Full Throttle go to a nice home, she feared that it would only be a matter of days before she’d see the uncontrollable dog back at the Shelter.
And she was right! 
Less than two weeks after Jayden and his parents took Full Throttle home, the little boy and his Mom entered the lobby with a huge box.  When they opened the lid, Jacquie just stared at it open mouthed.  Her brain formulated no thoughts other than complete shock. 
The container was filled to the rim with big bags of treats, toys, blankets and other supplies that the Shelter desperately needed.

“Today is Jayden’s 5th birthday.  Instead of presents, he asked his Dad and me to help donate these items for your use.  We couldn’t be happier with our newest family member.  What a blessing you have given us.  Thank you!”
Please Lord, help me find a home today,  I’m lonely and scared.  I heard them say, just one more day.  So I plead, can just ONE help me?  Whisper in a rescuer’s ear, tell them to be the ONE.  Cuz’ that’s all I need, just ONE loving, friendly, peppy human.  Amen