Monday, June 29, 2015

Mircle on 23rd Street

“Faith alone, without action, is dead." ~ James 2:17
Despite the early morning hour, it was already approaching 80 degrees.  The air felt so thick he could almost chew it.  To make matters worse, Martin was running late for work . . . again.  His GPS found a shortcut that might save a few precious minutes.
But when he crested the hill, brake lights flared from the car ahead.  Martin slowed; slowed some more, then pressed the brake pedal hard.  Traffic had come to a complete stop, a long ribbon of taillights flashed bright red.  An accident?  Road construction?
Glancing at the gas gauge, Martin wished he’d filled up last night.  This line of cars could be trapped for hours.  He pounded the steering wheel.  As one prone to fitness, this week he’d pushed his sleep needs well beyond their limits.  He’d snapped at his wife; said hurtful things he didn’t mean and blown minor issues way out of proportion.  It's just too easy to be cruel in the moment.  So many times he wanted to unsay things; take them back.
He hit the steering wheel again as if beating it would release stress and guilt.  Martin sat still for a few minutes, gazing out the car window unaware that he was about to witness a minor miracle.
A young mother caught his attention as she hurried toward an old house.  Swollen eyes failed to hide an emotion that Martin couldn’t quite put a finger on – depressed, scared, worried?  The toddler in her arms seemed to have absorbed her tension; tightly clutching her mother’s neck as they scurried into the dilapidated building.
When they came back out ten minutes later, Martin noticed two things.  First, their expressions had changed radically.  A smile spread over the mother’s face faster than syrup on a hot pancake.  The little girl laughed and skipped around her Mom; happy as a kitty in a cream pie.  Everything seemed to be alright now.
The other difference was the heavy bag of food that Mom carried.  The once-pristine manor was now the home of a local food pantry.
Since that day, Martin helps restock the pantry’s shelves.  It feels good helping them help others, knowing that he’s partnering with God to keep the miracles growing.
What can you do today to make this world a better place?  Today you can help fill a hungry child’s tummy or give a struggling family hope.  Today you can ease another’s sadness with your smile or lift another up with your joy.  Today you can make a minor miracle by sending out ripples of love that have no end.
Today you can make God smile and the angels sing by using what you have to make Earth a little more like Heaven.
Servant Christ, help me develop a heart and spirit like Yours.  Let nothing I do be from selfish ambition but for the well-being of others.  Let Your Holy Spirit guide me along the way and reveal how You wish me to use the talents given to me.  Amen