Monday, April 18, 2016

The Last Convert

“Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." ~ Acts 16:31

A Scottish evangelist, John Harper was well known throughout the U.K. as a charismatic speaker who led many to Christ through his passionate preaching.  In 1912, Rev. Harper received an invitation to speak at Chicago’s Moody Church and boarded the Titanic on April 11th.
While some of world’s richest people spoke of business deals, acquisitions and material desires, the man of undying faith went about sharing his love of Christ with others.
Near midnight on April 14th, an iceberg scraped the ship's starboard side, ripping open six watertight compartments.    As the sea poured in, chaos ensued.  The "unsinkable" ship was doomed.
Quickly, Harper took his six year old daughter to lifeboat 11.  He kissed her good-bye knowing he’d never see her again.  It’s reasonable to assume that the widowed preacher could have easily gotten into the same lifeboat; but it never seemed to have crossed his mind.
He knew there was a task more important than saving his own life – to help those who were unprepared to face eternity.
Harper gave his life jacket to another passenger, ending any chance of his own survival.  He shouted, "Women, children and “unsaved” people into the lifeboats."  Against a backdrop of terror and mayhem, Harper focused on his God-given purpose.  Survivors reported seeing him on his knees, surrounded by terrified passengers, praying for their salvation.
Less than 3 hours later, Titanic disappeared beneath the North Atlantic.  Over 1,000 people fought for their lives in the icy water.  Harper swam to every person he could, urging them to put their faith in Christ.
“Are you saved?” he cried.
“No, I’m not saved!” a desperate man replied.
Harper, knowing he couldn’t survive long in the ice-cold water, took off his life jacket and threw it to the man.  “You need this more than I do!”
In the water, Harper moved sluggishly as the frigid water wore him down.  If they weren't saved or if they didn't understand, he quickly offered the Christmas message: that Jesus came to earth to die that we might live eternally.  This Gospel doesn’t spare us from a drowning ocean, but it does spare us from eternal damnation.
Eventually, John Harper too sank beneath the icy waters.  While other people were trying to buy their way onto lifeboats and selfishly trying to save their own lives, John Harper gave up his life so that others could be saved.
There, alone in the night with two miles of water below him, the desperate man, the recipient of Harper’s life vest begged Christ to save his soul.   He was John Harper's last convert; one of only six people out of 1,517 who were pulled from the icy graveyard on that dreadful night.
Holy Father, I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer.  I want You to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward.  Amen