Monday, January 6, 2020

Spiritual Warfare

“Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” ~ Ephesians 6:10
Amber uncovered her eyes from beneath the duvet as the rhythm of raindrops lightly tapped her bedroom window.  Today would be a day for an umbrella, strong black coffee and a cinnamon scone; one for enjoying all the things that go with changing seasons.
When she stepped outside, a low rumble echoed in the cool fall air - the sky roared with satisfaction.  Rain brings a freshness; every drop a heavenly gift for each part of creation.
She loved the sound of rain as it struck each surface: windows like drums, concrete became cymbals, and soft maracas were the music of the grass.  Together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody as beautiful as a mother's soulful hum.  Something about this rain had Amber more relaxed than she’d been in days and in no hurry for the clouds to vanish.
She snapped open its translucent canopy.  There was something about being under it that made Amber feel as if she were flying instead of walking; rising skyward above the cloud-ballet below.
A tiny smile grew wider as her fingers tightened around it’s handle; one reminiscent of girlhood.  She frolicked, boots in the rain, her head above puffed clouds warmed by the sun.
She glanced around, noting those who must have missed (or ignored), the weather report.  They seemed panicked, looking for cover, miserable as the cold rain soaked them.
Rain came harder now, boring down upon the city, pounding the rooftops and city streets.  Yet, Amber felt safe … and warm.  Cloaked in the love of Christ, she will brave any storm and follow destiny’s chosen path.  She was born to live fully, pushing fear aside; walking past it with a nonchalance which came naturally when shielded by His mighty power.
Being underneath her umbrella didn’t stop the rain - it simply stopped the rain from stopping her.  Amber’s umbrella didn’t calm the storm – it changed the way in which it affected her.  Standing firm in the armor of God doesn’t stop spiritual warfare from raging.  It stops it from defeating us.
We too can stand firm in the storm when we put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, Bible shoes, the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation.
Make no mistake, we are all in a battle – but it’s warfare worth fighting.  We fight it in union with our Lord Jesus Christ and for His glory.  One day the battle will be no more.  We will all be made perfect in His own likeness; sin will trouble us no more.  Until then, fight the good fight of faith.  You may well accumulate scars, but they will be the marks of a life.
Almighty Father, when I'm tired and weak, You are strong; my only source of help.  I can’t fight without You.  Teach me how to pray and to trust You to pull down those strongholds that keep me and others helpless.  Amen