Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Follow Me

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” ~ Proverbs 3:5
Scott arrived a few minutes early for his son‘s Parent-Teacher conference; eager as a falcon aiming for its prey.  He had a bone to pick with Adam’s drama teacher.
His 15-year-old son had developed a passion for a class that Scott believed pointless - clearly wasteful as college-prep material.  Scott asked (maybe demanded), that the teacher convince his son that drama was an impractical career choice.
The teacher asked what Scott did for a living.  “I sell software products for a major corporation,” he said immodestly.  “Perhaps you’ve heard of Salesforce.com?  Fortune magazine recently recognized us as one of the best workplaces for millennials.”
“Hmm,” she said thoughtfully.  “Does your job require excellent communication, a great memory, collaboration, confidence, and the art of persuasion?
“Yes of course, Scott replied.
“You’re in luck Scott,” the teacher continued.  “Those skills are finely honed in my drama classes.  Come see for yourself.”
Adam took 4 more semesters of high school drama before heading off to college where he majored in business.  After graduation, he landed a lucrative sales job (with a little help from his Dad).
It didn’t take long for Adam decide that he didn't want to change opinions, he wanted to change lives.  He prayed dutifully; directing his heart to believe in God’s call to live courageously - to take risks in order to use our gifts and bring salt and light to this hurting world.  He had nothing to lose!
So, Adam returned to school to become a teacher.  The boy, who liked drama enough to change careers and become a teacher, today helps change the lives of his own students.
For often it’s teachers who provide that early inspiration that becomes a lifelong passion and helps students maintain and build that passion throughout their growing process.  Teachers are always there to say “dream big!” and providing the support that gives kids courage needed to “reach for the stars.”
When students are asked to identify role models, they might mention a celebrity, or an athlete, but the true role models are their teachers.  Teachers might not be celebrities, but they have tremendous influence in students by their behavior, habits, and leadership.
Who in your life could use some support or direction?  Or what advice do you give to others, but maybe don't consider for yourself?
As Steve Jobs once said, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.  Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of another person's thinking.  Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."
If you do what you love, you will love what you do.
Father God, help align my heart with Yours so that I may receive Your revelation. Rescue me in the midst of difficult circumstances, and teach me to enjoy life the way you desire.  Amen