Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Last House Standing

“You’ll have many earthly trials and sorrows; but faith in Me will overcome them all." ~ John 16:33
Not long after Hurricane Ike swept through Galveston, Texas in 2008, one picture surfaced that caught the world’s attention.  Despite the reality that every structure on the gulf side of that close-knit community was gone, one house stood tall, defying Ike’s deadly and violent wrath, almost unharmed amid miles of coastal rubble.
Ike claimed at least 113 lives, directly or indirectly, in the United States.  It’s 15-foot storm surge wreaked havoc from Louisiana to Corpus Christi, Texas.  With damages estimated at $38 billion, the hurricane was the second-costliest in U.S. history at the time.
Investigators determined that the owners of the yellow house had been through a hurricane before and had rebuilt it to hurricane standards.  While almost 200 buildings collapsed like toothpicks, the yellow house stood secure.
This image, however, still haunts me to this day!
The real strength of any structure is below grade.  The yellow house sat on reinforced concrete struts anchored and bolted to deep stabilizing pilings.  The upright struts allowed the yellow house to sit above Ike’s raging storm surges; much higher elevation than surrounding houses.
This image reminds me that when the wind howls and rising waters threaten, it’s not the carpet or the paint color or the bathroom tile that saves the house.  It’s what is unseen.  Deep anchors are vitally important for any structure to remain standing during gale-force assaults.
It reminds me of the storms sweeping into our lives right now.  Not just environmental storms, but the emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial storms that have suddenly erupted across the world with little no advance warning.  Some will survive – others will be crushed by its savagery.
So, what is your anchor?
Life comes with troubles, regardless of whether or not you follow Jesus.  You get to choose if you want Him to join you in your troubles, or if you’d rather go through them alone.  Following Him doesn’t offer immunity from difficulties.  What it does give is the opportunity to experience Him in the midst of our problems.  He’ll be there with you; you won’t be alone … ever!
Rather than focusing on the problems, focus on the promises.  Fix your eyes on Jesus and His Word and He’ll bring peace and calm to the struggles you face.  I guarantee it; because He says so.
Just to close out the story above, on the first day many residents were allowed back on the peninsula, owners of the yellow house returned to Church Street, ready to help neighbors whose homes no longer stood with theirs.  It remains intact to this day as a symbol of strength in the Gilchrist community.  You can even rent it for vacation under a listing appropriately called "Last House Standing."
Lord God, thank you for Your powerful Presence surrounding us. You’re the only place we find complete refuge in all that threatens us today.  Help us to be Your vessels to offer comfort and strength to others who are hurting.  Amen