Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Divine Detour

“Deaden the evil desires lurking within you, for they are false gods." ~ Colossians 3:5
Returning from an appointment, Karyn took a wrong turn at an intersection she’d traveled through many times.  Instead of going straight when the light changed, she had perhaps a senior moment and turned left.
Annoyed and slightly embarrassed, she considered turning around.  But after berating herself briefly, she chuckled.  “While it may take a little longer, all roads lead to home,” then drove on.
The narrow road resembled that of a roller coaster.  Karyn giggled as her ‘cart’ rolled effortlessly upward and downward; hands tightening on the steering wheel as her breath hastened in anticipation.
Along with less traffic than her usual route, the beautiful countryside boasted two-story farm houses with tin roofs and sagging porches.  They wore the colors of unfinished wood, weathered by years of harsh elements and baked by hot summers.
Those old relics spoke volumes about hardships and hope, strength and vulnerability; facing the world proudly and defiantly.  Although few would ever describe them as magnificent, their rugged, frontier charm harmonized with the spectacular backdrop that surrounded them.
After thirty minutes longer than her normal route, she pulled into the garage, thankful to be home safely.  For the rest of the evening, Karyn ruminated about the accidental detour; blessed by the blunder she savored.
Life’s highway can’t always be straight and smooth.  There must be hills, rough spots, and sporadic detours.  While they may appear unbearable, deviations in our personal goals may actually have a divine purpose.
One day our lives head in a perfect direction … and then things change; sometimes dramatically.  We watch and wait and worry as a virus we don’t fully understand races across borders and now approaches our own neighborhoods.  Could it be that God may be exposing our earthly idols?
Many of the things that we’ve idolized, both past and present, aren’t necessarily bad things, but decent things that take lofty positions on our priority tree and divert our attention from God.
Sports and entertainment are just some of the pleasures God has gifted us.  Yet obsessing over athletes and celebrities is unhealthy.  Work, wealth, food, and sex are not evil, but they were never meant to come before God.  By far the biggest idol in our lives is the one looking back at us in the mirror and promoted by every form of media available today.
Every one of these idols has been heavily wounded by COVID-19.  Maybe some good will come from this pandemic detour.  Maybe it will force us to turn our attention away from earthly idols and focus it where it belongs - on Him.
In the meantime, accept this detour in good cheer and in the Spirit of Christ; loving God and yielding completely to His will.
Almighty Lord, help us not to worship the idols of our time, which are so numerous and tempting.  Help us to love You with all our heart, and to prepare for the fruits of eternal salvation.  Amen