Saturday, March 20, 2021

Forged in Fire

 “Blessed are those who persevere under fire." ~ James 1:12

The flames that reduced their home to ashes also burned that memory into young Jared’s mind forever.  He’d never forget shaking on that warm summer evening, standing beside his Mom, Dad, siblings and Frankie (their pet collie).  His senses confirmed what he was still unable to believe.  The house, their home, gone!  No object had escaped its wrath.

Last night it was an inferno; acrid smoke, multi-colored flames, and oppressive heat - even from a hundred yards away.  The family had made it out by the grace of God, their fire alarms having blared as they were supposed to.  Firefighters could only watch it burn and try their best to protect the houses next door.

The sullied remains were so much more than a torched house.  Once so alive, so vibrant, had been a place of love and security, a place with memories and warmth.  Now the unobstructed wind whistled through twisted plastic and metal that had been furniture and electronics.  Amid those ruins lay history, secrets, all their personal possessions.

Gone were Dad’s tools, Mom’s recipes, and prized photographs.  His sister kicked at a pile of rubbish, hoping to find even one of her cherished Harry Potter books.  Little Andrew searched pointlessly for a favorite toy, or maybe even his collection of Pokémon trading cards.

The fragments that had been his sanctuary, his comfort in every storm, lay sooty at his feet.  Jared picked up some chars of what’d once been their residence, not sure what he'd been expecting to feel by touching what was left.  Perhaps some vibrancy of his youth.

There was nothing left but the plot of land to rebuild from.  Dark ash would soon be part of a new life enriching the soil below, allowing fresh vegetation to thrive.  Now that the flames were gone, it will soon be time to move on, to let go of the place where they had lived and loved.

God in His love and goodness, reasoned Jared, had spared them from losing the one treasure each of them still had: their lives.  Everything essential had escaped - their hearts, souls and bodies were unscathed.  That’s all they needed to live in love and joy again.

They were still a family; still all together.  They could still hold each other, laugh, and share the love and pleasure at being alive.  

Soon, thanks to the goodness of their community and extended family, his family had been able to replace what material things they’d lost and move into another home.  Yet Jared would never again consider the things of this world as important as the love they shared from their hearts and the joy they spread from their souls.

Lord God, our comfort and strength in times of disaster, crisis, or chaos, surround us with Your grace and peace through storms, fires or floods.  By your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen, sustain those who work to rebuild, and fill us with the hope of Your new creation.  Amen