Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hair of the Dog

“Don’t look back, lengthen your stride, and press toward the goal." ~ Philippians 3:13-14

Erik hadn’t slept well in weeks.  He awoke nearly two hours earlier than normal; unable to fall back to sleep.  Once awake, he couldn’t quite get his mind to quiet down.  It felt like his eyes leaking open cued his brain into overdrive.  He couldn’t seem to find a way to break the cycle.

He’d never heard of anyone dying from insomnia, but feeling exhausted, stressed, snappy, and permanently on the verge of collapse was unhealthy enough.  His eyes fixated on the glowing alarm clock numbers taunting him until he finally surrendered and rose from bed.

Tiptoeing into the family room, he switched on the TV.  A 24-hour news program retched its usual venom of hatred, rancor, prejudice, and division.  Erik turned it off and put on some music instead.  Then he picked up a book and read until his eyelids grew heavy.  Closing his eyes and placing the book on his chest, he dozed mercifully, if only for a few moments until dawn’s light.

Suddenly, Erik felt something stirring him from slumberland.  Its warm breath caressed his face with the sedative qualities of a lullaby.  His eyes slowly opened to a long, sleek face covered in caramel and cream-colored fur.  Luxurious, brown eyes stared directly into his; making herself at home in Erik’s heart. 

Waking up suddenly can be as a great epiphany, a eureka moment, when the friendly ghosts of the soul have set you upon a new path. 

A smile crept onto Erik’ face.  This little gal had been his companion in quiet moments and the hilarity that dogs bring.

“Hello Bella,” he said warmly.  The pooch covered Erik’s face in kisses while her curly tail wagged, cheerily against the couch.  "Oh," she seemed to say, "are you feeling overwhelmed Dad?" in a low rumble as happy as a kid in a chocolate factory.  "Kisses ... why ... thank you!"

Erik patted her head, scratched her belly, and laughed as Bella showered him with affection.  He soaked it all in and thought to himself: “If only we humans could love each other as purely and unconditionally as our dogs love us, what a wonderful world this would be.”

With a stretch and a yawn Bella snuggled right into him and fell fast asleep. Erik felt a little sparkle of joy before falling asleep too; body and brain relaxed, safe, and content to have solved enough of its problems to earn sleep.

Dogs are blessings from God.  We should spend our days creating happiness and making this world a better place.   We should see everyone no matter how they look or what they believe as our brothers and sisters.  We should love ourselves and everyone else as God loves us.  And we should say each day, “Thank you dear God for dogs.”

Lord God, You gave us furry companions to bring out the best examples of friendship and love.  Let us never ignore the lessons they teach to offer kindness joyfully and unconditionally.  Amen