Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Miracle Baby

“With God, all things are possible." ~ Matthew 19:26

Returning home from a weekend with her parents, Jennifer (25) hit a concrete bridge barrier and drove off the roadway.  The car wasn’t discovered until a fisherman spotted it the next morning.

Police officers rushed to the overturned car.   All four recalled the same thing: a mysterious female voice calling out “Help!” from inside the vehicle that called them to action. 

Fueled by adrenaline, they quickly rolled the partially-submerged vehicle from water so cold, several were later treated for hypothermia.  To their surprise, they discovered an unconscious toddler still trapped in her car seat.  Nobody knows exactly how 18-month-old Lily survived hanging upside down, without food or water; icy water rushing just inches below her head.

That voice … where had it voice come from?  From the massive trauma evident in Jennifer’s corpse, nobody believed it could’ve been hers, especially after 14 hours upside down in freezing water. 

Others asserted that certain birds can mimic sounds and voices.  It was possible that a bird was imitating Jennifer’s voice from when the accident first occurred.

Not surprisingly, believers insisted the voice came from a Divine plea to rescue the infant by dispatching a Guardian Angel to cry out on her behalf.

Naysayers questioned: “If God intervened, why didn’t he save the mother, too?”  Still others asked: “Can’t we simply be sad about the tragedy and happy that this baby beat the odds and survived.  Does it really matter ‘why?’”

Honestly, I think we all care why.  We can’t help ourselves.   At one time or another, we must confess to some anxiety about the existence or absence of an afterlife.  It’s an age-old argument.

For me, the curious voice was no mystery; no explanation is necessary.  It was the voice of God directing those men.  I BELIEVE - these are what miracles look like! 

For those who don't believe, no explanation is possible.

God relies on His angels to get His Word out as we’ve seen countless times in the Bible.  Angels reveal important truths; about things unexplainable, about faith, about hope. 

We humans crave answers for everything.  When people are cured from a terminally ill diagnosis, triumph through almost-impossible challenges, or survive near-death experiences, angels offer the only explanation we need. 

Faith is believing in the unknown, despite the good and bad that comes with it.  If you believe in sacrifice, if you believe in God, and if you believe in His guidance – then you believe in angels.

It doesn’t matter if you’re the most optimistic person or not, everyone needs a little bit of hope in their life.  Hope is a powerful element that remains invisible and omniscient.  Even though we can’t see it or quantify it, it’s always there.  Angels are a symbol of hope.

Father, thank You for the miracles in my life every day – for my health, for my family and friends, for this magnificent country.  Help me to never take these for granted and to stand in faith and keep my focus on You.  Amen