Thursday, October 26, 2023

Safe in His Arms

“God is our refuge and strength, ever-present in troubled times." ~ Psalm 46:1

Fanny was barely six weeks old when she lost her eyesight. A country doctor placed a hot mustard poultice (think Vick’s VapoRub) on her chest to stimulate healing from severe congestion.

The infant accidentally rubbed the ointment into her eyes. Shadows of light and dark were all that she could detect from that day forward. She’d never see life’s brilliant colors again.

Even as a child, though, Fanny never let blindness prevent her from being happy. Instead, her condition opened a new world in which she saw Jesus as her helper and friend. “There’s no cloud that can keep the sunlight of hope from a trustful soul,” she wrote.

Her cheerful spirit came to fruition at NYC’s School for the Blind where she developed an amazing talent for writing poetry and music verses. One song even brought an astounding $3,000 royalty.

While expecting their first child, she and her husband were elated with the prospect of parenting. Blindness would bring unique challenges, but none that couldn’t be overcome.

When their precious child died from birthing complications, the hopeful parents were devastated. They’d never see their baby’s first steps or hear its first word. Long, sleepless nights filled with haunting thoughts of what could’ve been; what should’ve been.

A composer-friend encouraged her to use her “positive voice” to comfort others and share God’s many blessings. So, at age 44, she began writing gospel lyrics. Soon it became her true “calling.” She wrote prolifically, telling friends that “the words to hymns came as fast as they can be dictated.”

One night, a composer-friend knocked on Fanny’s Manhattan apartment door humming a melody for which he needed lyrics. He had only forty minutes before his train to Cincinnati departed.

She listened and immediately declared, “Why, to me, that says, ‘Safe in the arms of Jesus!’”

She knelt in another room and asked God to give her the words quickly. With 10 minutes to spare, she composed the words in her head and dictated them to him! Fanny penned the lyrics for mothers, like her, who’d buried their children. Many a Christian has felt reassured by the words of this song when a loved one has died and is now “safe in the arms of Jesus.”

Having written over 8,000 songs before her death in 1915 at age 95, Fanny Crosby is perhaps one of the most famous hymn writers in all Christendom. Her words have inspired, renewed, and refreshed so many souls. “Blessed Assurance” and “He Hideth My Soul,” are but a few of her most beloved songs.

What a marvelous illustration of the ways in which God can enable us to rise above our trials. There are indeed so many ways to express an awareness of God’s love.

Almighty Father, thank You for the gifts that have enriched our lives beyond measure. Thank You for Your love and the sacrifices You made to support us. May we continue to appreciate You every day. Amen