Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Free Bird

 “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength and soar like eagles.” ~ Isaiah 40:31

I used to feel a tinge of envy when I watched birds soaring through the sky as if on perfect tracks. They seemed so graceful, so peaceful, so uninhibited. Watching them soar among the clouds in the hallowed space between heavens and Earth filled me with wonder and admiration.

I longed to know the feeling of gliding over cities, mountains, and forests. I wished to hear the wind whistling in my ears and rushing over my wings. Mostly though, I wanted to view the world from a unique perspective, a higher perspective.

Whenever I envisioned myself flying over everyone else, watching the world come alive beneath me, sensing the hum of the city, the first to see the ever-developing canvas of the dawn, it makes me feel free.

No sadness up there, no fear, loneliness. At least that’s what my imagination brings forth. Whenever I need a memory to lift me off the ground, I look up.

Birds in flight fascinate me. Their anatomy is so eccentric. Hollow, yet strong bones; small, highly efficient lungs; and precisely arranged feathers that allow them to fly long distances without fatigue. Unlike humans, it’s amazing how they defy gravity with their tiny muscles.

If only I could fly like a bird…

One day I realized that I could never fly, but my soul could if I allowed it. My feet may still be stuck on the ground, but my spirit will always be soaring with my feathery friends among the heavens. 

Our souls give us wings – a kind of oneness with our Heavenly Father who infuses us with such energy and confidence that allows us to soar to greater heights of revelation, peace, and joy.

It requires us to relax in Him and trust that He knows what He’s doing. It requires that we trust His word, His ability, and His character. If we're on board with His plan for our lives rather than doing our own thing, we don't have to worry about sustaining or implementing it; it's His plan. 

So, He’ll bring along His resources and He’ll do the implementation. And whatever small part He gives us to play in that, He’ll give us the grace too.

When life's burdens are weighing you down like a dark, threatening cloud, place your trust in God and wait with a confident expectation and hope in Him. He will give you the confidence to soar with wings like an eagle to ride out any storm, and reach the blue, sun-filled skies of victory.

And now when I see a bird gliding effortlessly across the sky, I send it my affection and allow my soul to fly with it too.

Almighty Father, I pray that you will bless me with true riches that will never desert me and will last into eternity. Give me the grace not to forsake You, the Rock of my salvation, in Jesus’ name. Amen