“More blessings come from giving than from receiving.” ~ Act 20:35
Jackson knocked heavily on the
door that he once called home - the Baldwin Center. Meals are served there, jobs posted, babies cuddled
and the unemployed are given job-seeking skills. It’s a place where the homeless receive
shelter and the neglected find a listening ear.
He carried a small Honey Baked Ham.
A rusty lock creaked just before a familiar face greeted him
from inside. His nametag read
Scottie. “It’s been too long my friend!”
said the weary security guard staring back at him. “I’ve missed you Jackson.”
“I brought a little gift for your family,” Jackson said
holding out the freshly cooked pork. “I
remembered that your children love ham.”

“Brother, you’re a good man,” Jackson offered kindly, “Do as
you wish, but the gift was repayment for your encouragement when I was down on
my luck. God blessed me – now He’s blessing
you.” Jackson hugged his old friend
before turning to leave.
But the treasure didn’t remain with Jaclyn very long. Ms. Bert nourishes so many of the Center’s
bodies and souls, she deserved this more.
So she left an unsigned note and the ham in Ms. Bert’s office.
Ms. Bert rarely cried, but buckets of tears warmed her
cheeks today. She loved ham – especially
the Honey Baked brand. It was a rare
treat on her paltry salary. But she had
a better idea.
Kendyll was their newest employee. With a mountain of student loans and a
broken-down car needing frequent repairs, she worried that food came last on her
priority list. So Ms. Bert summoned Kendyll
to her office for a little chat.
Kendyll was at a loss for words at her boss’s
generosity. Such a thoughtful gesture
made her feel like she was part of the team.
That was worth a thousand pounds of pork! She immediately went looking for Scottie,
remembering her first day, and how he made her feel so welcome.
“I was given this,” she said, “but I’d be even happier if it
went to your family! Your smile’s the
first one that others see when they come here.
You make strangers feel like family, and family’s what our guests need
Scottie understood now.
Jackson’s gift was destined for him.
The circle had closed - the circle of happiness that engulfs generous
Lord, we know on this feast of Thanksgiving,
that this life is not all there is; that the best is yet to come if we live for
You. So, help us each day to live our
lives in ways that honor and please You. Amen