"Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." ~ 2 Chronicles 15:7
This is a true story of a young girl with a dream.
So serious was Sudha’s passion for dance that her father tried to enroll her in India’s most-famous dance conservatory when she was only 5 years old. The school had never admitted anyone so young. “Just one audition?” he appealed persistently.
Sudha performed so beautifully that they admitted her to the prestigious dance academy. She was a quick study, so enthusiastic and determined. At age 8, she danced her first public recital. By 17, she had presented over 75 stage performances to thunderous approval.
One night, while travelling by bus to a temple with her parents, a serious accident took the life of their driver. Sudha’s legs became trapped, amidst the twisted metal. Rescuers were eventually able to free her badly injured lower limbs. So severe was the damage however, her right leg had to be amputated in order to save her life.
Though the incident brought her rising career to an abrupt halt, she never gave up. She refused the use of a wheelchair and immediately began walking on an ill-fitting wooden leg.

Her leg would often bleed from the friction of her skin against the artificial limb. As her movements intensified, so did the pain.
Sudha believed in herself and her God. Each day brought her closer to her goal – learning first to balance, bend and stretch; eventually to turn, twirl and leap. Never once did her face reveal the agony of her tortuous ordeal.
Less than 3 years later, Sudha was back on stage in Bombay. She felt the added pressure of restoring her once-famous reputation. With a mix of self-confidence and apprehension – she took the stage to a deafening ovation.
She performed in such a marvelous manner that it moved the crowd to tears. She was back on top! Soon she had more work than she could handle. In time her role as a gifted dancer would decline but demand for her as an actress soared. They loved her courage and determination. Before retiring, she would act in almost 30 feature films and 20 TV serials.
Her recipe for success: “Patience, perseverance, and a burning desire that constantly needs to be fueled.”
Have you fallen recently? Did you get up and brush the dust off your knees and move on? Do you view setbacks as only temporary? Then relax – you’ve not been defeated! For that matter, you won’t be defeated.
“Loving God, life is filled with dreams and setbacks. Help us remember that success comes to those who turn adversities into opportunities, and bounce back from momentary defeat with renewed vigor and faith. Amen.”