Sunday, February 24, 2013

None So Blind

"Open the eyes of my heart, Lord." ~ Psalm 119:18
The bus passengers watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps.  She paid the driver, and using her hands to feel the location of the seats, walked down the aisle and found an empty seat – right next to Troy.
Almost immediately Troy was struck by the eerie feeling that he may have just found Mrs. Right.  Simple conversation followed, then a promising friendship, and later true romance. 
He’d learn that Amy had been blind from birth.  Her world was dark – not from lack of sight but from anger, frustration and self-pity.  She hated not being able to enjoy the beauty that sighted people often took for granted.  She hated herself.  She hated everyone . . . except her new boyfriend. 
Troy, an elementary school teacher, loved Amy with all his heart – completely!  He was determined to help her gain the strength and confidence she needed to overcome such ‘minor inconveniences.’  So committed to his true love, he eventually asked for her hand in marriage – that two would become one. 
Oddly, she postponed an immediate answer; promising him instead that if by some miracle her sight returned, that she would marry him.
That miracle came one crisp autumn day.  Someone donated a perfect set of cognac brown eyes to her.  The surgery was successful – she could see everything, including her grateful boyfriend.
Eagerly Troy asked, “Now that you can enjoy the glory of a sunrise and the serenity of a sunset, will you marry me?” 
Amy stood stunned!  Troy too, was blind.  Embittered, she refused his marriage proposal.
He walked away in tears; heartbroken.  A few days passed before Amy received a short note from Troy saying: “Please take care of my baby browns (eyes).  Just because I’m unable to see your beauty . .  doesn’t mean it isn’t there.”
There are two messages to this story.  The first is that there are “none so blind . . . as those who WILL NOT see.”  Angry and confused about her blindness, Amy believed that only sighted people could enjoy happiness.  She refused to “see” the love that Troy had for her. 
Secondly, Troy loved Amy unconditionally.  That’s when we care about the happiness of another person without any thought for what we might get in return.  He gave his eyesight for her.
It’s like that with God too.  It’s hard for us to believe, but He loves you that way – every second of every day!  
He loves you, not because you’ve done good, not because you begged Him to love you.  He loves you because He created you and you are beautiful to Him.  You can’t screw up enough to change that.  As His child, He loves you completely.
Loving God, teach me to love as You love - unconditionally, honest, and kind, asking nothing in return.  Help me harness the power to heal all wounds, bind people together, and create relationships well beyond my present capacity.  Amen