Sunday, February 10, 2013

Shy's the Limit

“God doesn’t want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong, and to love their  company." ~ 2 Timothy 1:7  
Jolene didn’t have many friends.  She’d never been preoccupied with being popular, but she did long for someone to share secrets and laughs with, someone who would listen carefully even when she had nothing to say out loud.
She wore her hair long to hide her face and avoided eye contact with others, fearing someone might talk to her.  Always a bit frightened by her surroundings, Jolene kept mostly to herself.
Kids didn’t talk to her either.  Some even made fun of her in whispers behind her back.  Hers were largely superficial relationships; she couldn’t remember ever having a real friend in high school.
Jolene began to panic as college approached.  She’d be moving to an unfamiliar city and rooming with someone she didn't know. She had no idea how she was going to make friends in a harsh, new environment.  But something happened the first week of classes that changed her life, forever!
In her English Comp class, the students were asked to share a little about themselves and describe their goal for the class.  Most students talked about getting good grades and a better future.  All the answers were equally boring, thought Jolene.  When it was her turn, she took a deep breath, raised her eyes before opening her mouth to speak.  But nothing came out.  Her throat felt like drier than normal; her heartbeat quickened.
“If there’s a God in heaven,” she pleaded to herself, “please give me strength.  Help me form words that speak from my soul!”  Then she spoke.
“My goal,” she began, “is to make one good friend this year!”
The room went deadly silent.   One student came forward and extended her hand.  “Hi, my name’s Enya,” she said.  “I’d love to earn your friendship.”  Silence became more eloquent than words as all eyes focused on Jolene and the hand extended directly in front of her.
Jolene smiled warmly and stretched her hand toward Enya’s, igniting a friendship that lasted beyond college and all through her life.  It was a memorable day, one she treasured deeply.  For it was on that day she learned two important lessons: 1) the power of prayer and 2) the importance of asking for what she wanted, being honest and taking action.
It’s clear that we all need companionship.  Status doesn’t matter: young, old, single, married, male, female, retired, working – friendship nurtures the human spirit.  For Christians, asking God for a friend is a good first step in the process of finding one.  God’s love for us makes us bold and provides the faith to displace our bashfulness.
Dear God, even though my life is filled with clutter and activity, my heart aches for the intimacy of a true friend, one who knows the real me and loves me anyway. Calm my fears and help me to be more open and honest about my needs and pain.  Amen