“If you give up your life for Me, you will find true life. ~
Matthew 16:25
This morning he preached about
mission, encouraging them to give cheerfully for the Lord's work. He was wonderfully dramatic. Inside the crowded church, the stench of sour
breaths, the cruel heat, even the closeness went unnoticed in the fervor of the
old minister’s sermon. His voice took on
wild emotional cadences which resonated deep inside their souls. To these people it was like the return of John
the Baptist; pure poetry in motion.

On the last bench, a battle waged
within the heart of a poorly dressed girl.
Maddie had earlier that week received her first pair of glasses from a
kind teacher at her school. What a great
blessing it was to be able to hear the Gospel . . . and see the preacher for
As the offering plate approached, Maddie feverishly searched
her pockets. She couldn’t find a cent to
give to Jesus so the plate passed her by.
Her sad eyes remained fixed on the plate as it continued all the way to
the rear of the sanctuary.
She thought about the gift of sight she had received earlier
that week. And she thought of the
missionaries from foreign lands that needed so much to carry on their blessed work. Maddie made a decision! She rose from her seat, walked to the usher
and grabbed his sleeve. “May I have the plate please?” she asked politely.
Her heart pounding, she removed her glasses, kissed them and
placed them gently in the collection plate.
“This is all I have Jesus,” she said humbly.
The usher carried the plate slowly down the aisle and laid it
on the altar without a word. Deeply
moved by her generosity, the preacher laid his hand upon the glasses and solemnly
repeated the words of Jesus: "She
hath done what she could." ~ Mark 14:8
What a stir the incident created! Suddenly, perspiration trickled off the
banker's brow. He wiped his face with
his handkerchief and opened his wallet.
The rich lady fumbled for her purse.
A local merchant whispered something in the usher’s ear. The collection basket passed once again from
bench to bench. This time money poured
After the congregation had left the church, the preacher
gave Mattie back her new glasses. She
had redeemed them for the sum of nearly $500 dollars. Maddie smiled sweetly. For she knew that the greatest gift God gave
was Himself, and the greatest gift she could give God was herself.
Forgiving God, we give for many reasons –
guilt, joy, gratitude, obedience, hope, and control. We return these gifts to You. Strengthen our hearts in holiness as we
faithfully give, so that our mission may be directed by You. Amen.