"Children are a blessing: a gift from God." ~ Psalm 127:3
Grace Ross gave her first graders
a fun assignment: draw something for which they were thankful. Most of the class was disadvantaged, but they
still had things that they’re grateful for . . . except maybe David.
David’s sketch was unique.
He was a different kind of boy: a frail child, mentally weak, and
piteously poor. She didn’t have to guess
at the pain he felt behind those sad green eyes. She’d dropped by his home one day after
school to deliver some homework after he’d missed several days.
There was really no way to describe the horror! Animal urine and feces ground into the
carpet: everything dank and rotting. Tattered
curtains, yellow with cigarette smoke, dangled from bent metal rods. Cardboard and old comforters were stuffed into
broken, grimy windows. Trash blanketed a
stained couch. The sink was full of
filthy dishes.
Worst were the legions of scurrying cockroaches. She remembered it felt like walking on eggshells:
she couldn't take a step without crunching them. They were in the lights, in the furniture,
even inside the freezer! Such a sweet
child – what an abysmal environment.

When the children had gone on to other assignments, Grace paused
at David's desk, bent down, and asked him whose hand it was. The endearing little boy looked away and
murmured, "It's yours, Ms. Ross."
She immediately recalled the times she’d taken his hand and
walked with him. How often had she said,
"Let me show you how to hold your pencil," or, "Let's do this
together." While other children
played at recess, David was likely to stand close by her side.
Yes, David was most thankful for her guiding hand. Choking back a tear, Grace pondered her career
She could only imagine the suffering David must endure as a
child and what he sees, hears, and feels.
But like all children, he’s loving, hopeful, and filled with joy. Every one of her students is a unique art
form. Gifted is the teacher who inspires
the artistic qualities God intended.
Some are striking in their color, or form, or composition. Others
take a more skilled eye. All require an
open mind and committed heart.
Dear Jesus, we pray for the children whose nightmares come in the
daytime, who aren't spoiled by anybody, who go to bed hungry and cry themselves
to sleep. Bless the little ones that want
to be carried and for those who must.