Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Hospital Visit

“Stay close to Me and I’ll stay close to you." ~ John 15:4
Mandy hated hospitals – the atmosphere was suffocating and cheerless.  She loathed the sad faces, the silent screaming of aching hearts, the empty footsteps of people who were grieving.  That made the idea of visiting her hospitalized friend even more frightening.
At 17, Michael was battling leukemia.  In a way, Mandy owed her life to him.  He’d been there for her, through the family chaos that prompted her eating disorder.  He convinced her that she wasn’t alone, or nuts, or even weird.   He helped her gain the courage she needed to get help. 
Now he needed her, but she was paralyzed by fear.  There are no set rules for supporting a friend with cancer.  She’d learned plenty about his diagnosis from the internet and it didn’t sound hopeful.  Mandy knew she couldn’t be spontaneous.  So she rehearsed a bit.  It was going to be awkward.
“Dear Lord,” she prayed silently.  “Grant me Your blessings and mercies this day and every day!”  Short and sincere – just like God liked it!
Her nerves tightened as she maneuvered the halls towards Michael’s ward.  All of a sudden she heard a loud scream; someone must have died she thought.  “Oh God,” she murmured.  “ I hope it wasn’t Michael, I hope I’m not too late!”  Her panic quickened when she found the bed empty in his room.
“You looking for Michael?” a soft voice whispered from behind.  She pointed to another room down the hall.  “He’s so weak now,” she continued, “He can barely stand at times.”
Mandy felt small and alone as she trudged toward the darkened corner, her insides leaping and falling rapidly.  As she rounded the corner and entered the room, she saw Michael entertaining some younger children in the hospital with what looked like a few moves from Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ dance.   The curious kids were smiling ear to ear while attempting to mimic his crazy legs.
They talked for hours – nothing difficult about it.  “With so little stamina, why dance?” Mandy asked.
“I remember reading that doing God’s will is a lot like dancing.  When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.  When you are one with Him, you feel his gentle nudges moving you in one direction or another.  It’s as if two bodies become one.  Dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from me and guidance from God.  I’m learning to follow His guidance!”
On her way back home, Mandy meditated on the word GUIDANCE and kept seeing ‘dance’ at the end of the word.  When she saw “G” she thought God, followed by “U” and “I.” God, you and I dance.  She lowered her head and thanked God for His “blessings and mercies today.”
Dear Lord, help me dance more grace-fully with You, following Your lead and trusting Your G-U-I-Dance.  Remind me often that the purpose of dance is not getting to a certain place on the floor, but to enjoy each step along the way.  Amen