“God will work in your heart to make you more like Jesus."
~ John 1:12
Janice was having an awful
day. Granted, it wasn’t as bad as the
day she found out her brother died, or the day she found cigarettes in her teen’s
desk drawer. But this one was a doozie!
She woke exhausted after another dreamless night. Earlier today the preschool toilet
clogged. It got much worse when nobody
told her until the pungent odor wafted into the classroom making the kids
wonder if a skunk had died nearby.
No sooner had Janice plunged the blockage, she remembered an
appointment that she’d soon miss if she didn’t hurry. She climbed aboard her massive SUV and headed
into the concrete jungle where in place of stampeding rhinos and ravenous
tigers are people - all in her way now!
In some ways rush hour was exhilarating; the sensation of
personal power intoxicating. Sealed in her
private pod, Janice controlled everything from climate to entertainment. A road warrior; anyone who got in her way was
the enemy.
The stoplight turned green . . . but the car in front of her
remained motionless. “That light’s not
going to get any greener! Move it or
park it,” she yelled. This Dimwit
represented the difference between her being on time or late. Patience unraveling, she honked the horn and
yelled some more.

She was still cursing when she heard a tap on her window and
looked up at a very stern police officer.
He told her to shut the engine off.
As she exited her car, he cuffed her hands and shoved her into his
patrol car. She complied – too puzzled
to ask any questions. At the police
station, she was photographed, fingerprinted, booked and placed in a cell.
Several hours passed before a jailer opened the door. The original officer waited for her at the booking
desk with her belongings.
"I'm sorry for the mistake, M’am” he said. “I pulled up behind you while you were blowing
your horn and flipping that guy off in front of you. Then I noticed your ‘Proud to be a Christian’ and ‘Jesus
Loves You’ bumper stickers.
Naturally I assumed you’d stolen someone else's car."
Do you ever have those times when you can’t believe what you
just said or did? I’m guilty! There’s no such thing as a perfect Christian,
but don’t lose heart. Jesus surrounded
himself with people just like you and me.
He doesn’t want you to be perfect – just available. His love always extends beyond the stupid,
crazy things we say and do.
Father, I’m such an ImPerFct Christian! Use my inadequate words to speak Your truth,
my flawed behavior to bless others, and my imperfect faith to show how truly
amazing You are. Amen