Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Ultimate Resolution

“Keep your eyes on the goal – the prize of being called to heaven." ~ Philippians 3:13-14
Clare bit her eraser as she read back her extensive list of New Year’s Resolutions.  The usual suspects appeared, flowing carelessly from her pencil tip year after year. 
As she paused to admire two full pages of ideas, her Dad spoke from over her shoulder.  “That’s a pretty impressive list!
“Thanks Dad,” said the slightly embarrassed teen.  “I really COULD accomplish all these things!”
That’s a pretty tall order, I think I can help make it easier and simpler,” he offered.  “Just mark the items on your list that you absolutely SHOULD do.”
Clare looked puzzled but there he must have a reason.  Actually, this task was much easier.  She was able to quickly commit eight practical resolutions that she felt would be both realistic and useful.

Get more sleep, physical activity and better nutrition.
Resist peer pressure to try cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.
Wipe negative "self-talk" out of my vocabulary (i.e. "I can't do it" or "I'm so ugly").
Spend less time on TV, video games and social media.
Treat my parents, teachers and elders respectfully.
Join a volunteer group that helps people in need.
Choose who I date carefully.
Find more constructive ways to deal with the stress such as reading, writing in my journal, or spending quiet time with God.

When she finished, she found Dad in his study.  "Tell me about your lists," Dad pressed.
“The first list contains all the things I COULD do if I completely changed my life,” Clare began.  “The second contains all the things I SHOULD do by taking practical steps towards the life I want to lead."
She handed them to him and held his gaze for several seconds, waiting for Dad’s review of her ideas.  After an unusually long silence, he crumpled them into a ball and tossed it into the trash.
Clare was frantic; at least he hadn’t torn them into unreadable pieces.  "What’d you do that for?" she said, her anger swelling.
Dad began speaking in a quiet, confident voice.  "What you COULD or SHOULD do with your life doesn’t matter.  The only thing that matters, from this day forward, is what you MUST do."
He then drew a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to her.  Clare opened it carefully noting three simple words in the middle of the page: "Trust God More."
“Now you've got a much better chance for a Happy New Year,” Dad said as a familiar smirk crept onto his face.
Life’s a roller coaster, with its dizzying heights, gut wrenching turns, and freefall downslopes.  But we have God as our seatmate, there to steady, guide and protect us.  If you only make one resolution this year, may it be to trust Him more.
Heavenly Father, I want the New Year to be different for me.  I know that I'm going to need a lot of help for this, so right now I place myself in your hands.  Help me to receive Your strength. Amen.