Thursday, May 9, 2024

Golden Mom

 “Every child is born from their mother’s inner strength." ~ Ezekiel 19:2

The situation seemed hopeless; desperation eclipsed the wonderful news the zoo’s staff had announced just weeks before. Canine parents Bleu and Maurice were expecting a litter of African-painted dogs, the first U.S. births in protective captivity in over 3 years.

Native to sub-Saharan Africa, fewer than 6,600 African-painted dogs remain on earth. Endangered and declining rapidly, they are often targeted by hunters for threatening livestock.

Their mottled coats sport the hippest fur in the bush with splashes of brown, white, and yellow. In the wild, African-painted wolves live in large packs. Thus, zoo staff typically remains hands-off so packs can raise pups as they would in the wild and acquire the social structure of their species.

Eight pups arrived in September. But Bleu, an inexperienced mother, wasn’t adequately caring for her pups, and Maurice followed her lead. Quickly, it became clear the newborns - vital to the growth of the species’ population - would perish without intervention.

Instead of bottle-feeding the pups, the staff furiously sought a surrogate dog to help nurse and raise them. In their desperation, a novel pathway opened up.

Within hours, the local Animal Welfare agency contacted the zoo with a female golden retriever with a new litter and milk to share. Kassy, her own 4 puppies in tow, came to the zoo and instantly nursed the painted dog pups as her own.

Over the next month, raising the painted dog pups came with difficulties and disappointments. As is common with baby animals, some of the painted dog pups didn’t survive despite the valiant efforts of Kassy and the Animal Care team.

But three did.

Today the blended family of pups are extremely playful, inquisitive, and on the path to a healthy life.

Once the African-painted dog pups are older, they will move to another accredited facility with hopes of joining a pack of their own to help expand the animals’ population.

All because one mother stepped in.

A mother’s love is a magnificent force that transcends earthly boundaries. It is the beacon of unconditional love and sacrifice, shedding light on our lives even before we take our first breath.

As children, we find solace in our mother’s presence. Her tireless endeavors to nurture, guide, and elevate us punctuate every stage of our lives. Her strength is our shield in the storm; no matter how far we drift, her beacon of love invariably guides us back home.

Let us pay tribute to all the guardian angels - Moms, by birth or by choice - who unwaveringly watch over their children. Your sacrifices change lives. Your love molds the future. And your warmth makes this world a more compassionate and kinder place.

Lord, on this special day, may we honor and cherish the special women who have born us, nurtured us, and prayed for our well-being. Let our hearts overflow with gratitude to You, who formed and knitted each of us in a mother’s womb. Amen