Monday, May 13, 2024

Worthy Purpose

 “We are God’s masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus, to help Him do His work." ~ Eph 2:10

Michael walked down the street in the middle of San Antonio when he came across a busy construction site. He stopped briefly as heavy equipment operators moved tons of dirt and materials. Masons poured concrete, iron workers built structures, and bosses gave instructions. Everyone played an important instrument in this symphony set in motion.

He became fascinated by workers in a ditch by the sidewalk and decided to ask one of them what they were doing?” A tired, mud-splattered plumber looked up and paused. Excitement filled his eyes like sparkplugs roaring an engine with the growl of anticipation.

"We're building the world’s first ultra-accessible theme park for kids with disabilities,“ his boasted proudly. “It’ll open next year (2010) as “Morgan’s Wonderland.” It will include rides, playgrounds, gardens, a special-event center, and 575-seat amphitheater."

Before returning to his work, the man suggested that Michael check out the website and learn more about the project’s back story. And so, he did.

Six years earlier, Gordon Hartman sold his homebuilding business to establish The Hartman Family Foundation so he and his wife, Maggie, could help children and adults with special needs.

During a family vacation, their daughter Morgan, who was born with physical and cognitive disabilities, wanted to play with kids tossing a ball in a hotel swimming pool. But when she asked them, they quickly took their ball and vanished.

Never forgetting the anguished look on Morgan’s face, the heartbroken father decided there had to be a way to bridge the gap of misunderstanding about people with special needs. As a retired home builder, Hartman answered the looming question himself by erecting a theme park called “Morgan’s Wonderland” that opened in 2010.

The phrase “ultra-accessible” drove the park’s design, from waterproof, compressed-air fueled wheelchairs to water areas set at different temperatures for those who can’t manage the cold. The park has no bright flashing lights or anything that might trigger seizures.

Seven years later they added a water park, “Morgan's Inspiration Island,” featuring accessible splash pads and water play areas. At the Wharf, guests can even participate in catch-and-release fishing.

All the rides and attractions are fully accessible to those using any type of wheelchair. It's a special park where one can relax regardless of your abilities, and enjoy a barrier-free, wonderful time.

There are a great many purposes to which you can dedicate your life. Wealth does not necessarily correlate with spiritual advancement. Both men shared a similar vision. The entrepreneur used his wealth to provide amusement activities for a disadvantaged group. The man in the ditch committed himself to building a worthy structure because he shared the same vision enthusiastically.

Creator God, God, bring into my vision people and opportunities that’ll help reveal the passions and dreams that You have planted within my heart. Direct me in ways to explore how I’m naturally equipped to serve others and bring You glory. Amen