Thursday, May 23, 2024

Never Alone

 “So, after you’ve suffered a little while, He will restore, support, and strengthen you." ~ 1 Peter 5:10

To Naomi, having experienced the pain and trauma of a third emergency C-section, every day seemed like a blessing and every single moment of his life was filled with love and joy. Joseph was a tiny, snuggly infant with a beautiful smile and a lovable disposition. But nothing could prepare her for the day that lay ahead.

Mom and son spent a lovely day together alone. When she placed him in his crib, he looked peaceful as he drifted off into slumberland. Later, when she attempted to wake the child, Joseph showed no signs of life and was limp when the Mom of three picked him up.

Fear raced through her body with a force that took her breath away. Call 911, stay in control, and begin CPR, she prompted herself. The paramedics arrived and immediately transported them with the kind of speed that let everyone know the siren wasn't a polite request to move.

The ER was a cacophony of coughing, hacking, whispering, and wailing sounds. The baby was whisked away and now she waited in the lobby that provided little comfort. Naomi stared down at her hands, twisting and knotting them as if doing so would hold back the turmoil inside her.

When the ER doctor approached her with downcast eyes and a well-practiced voice, she knew that her greatest motherly fear had become a reality. Little Joey was gone – they’d done everything humanly possible.

Naomi sat, frozen, thinking of all the things little Joey would never get the chance to do. Someday she’d no longer fear today’s events. But for now, she’d let herself grieve for as long as it took. Her pain stood witness to the loving bond that will survive his passing.

A woman from the other side of the room approached. “Excuse me,” she said gently. “It appeared that you might’ve just heard some sad news. I saw the cross you wear and wondered if you might be a Christian. If you are… I just wanted to remind you that God never gives us more than we can manage.”

Naomi was taken aback. “Thank you, that’s so kind of you” she began in a polite voice. “Actually, I believe the opposite is true: God does give us more than we can handle. As a result, we stop relying on ourselves and learn to rely on the One who raises the dead. He gives us more than we can handle by ourselves so we will depend more on Him.”

“It’s been a tragic day for my family. Our son will be sorely missed. He is with our Lord now and His grace will be sufficient for us. Would like to pray with me?”

“Father God, thank you the for people you place on our paths to console and encourage us in our times of need. Help us shift our focus from our own abilities, to lean on You with all our hearts and infinite resources. Amen” ~ Naomi