Monday, September 30, 2024

Finding Nimo

 “Always be joyful. Be thankful in all circumstances." ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18

Fame and fortune blessed this artist in his early twenties.

Born in Los Angeles, his passion for music began in high school where he started casually writing and performing his own music. He’s seldom recognized for his prestigious college degree from the Wharton Business School or his successful career at a highly competitive Wall Street firm. His rise to stardom came as a rebellious twenty-something who left NYC’s financial district to pursue his real passion – music.

Along with a few college friends, Nimesh Patel (Nimo), started a band called Karmacy. Together they pioneered a tri-lingual form of rap music. Much to their surprise, their combination of hip-hop and soulful lyrics struck a deep chord and their popularity soared rapidly. But his story wouldn’t be complete if it ended there.

During the next ten years, Nimo’s journey would take a series of unexpected twists, forcing him to reexamine his goals. Despite his full-throttle lifestyle and millions of adoring MTV fans worldwide, he found himself gravely unsatisfied.

Seeking answers to life’s most important question, Nimo walked away from it all – his fame, fortune, even his music. On a quest for deeper truths, he sought the counsel of saintly teachers, meditated in the Himalayas, and drastically simplified his life, his diet, and his mindset.

Instead of the next big idea, he focused on doing small acts of service, volunteering with children in the slums of Ahmedabad, India. Mahatma Gandhi had spent 13 years of his life there also, spreading the gospel of truth, love, and non-violence.

He began to understand what it meant to align his head, hands, and heart. “Those kids possessed a richness that far outstripped material wealth,” he said.

Eventually, Nimo embraced his musical gifts again. The work was the same, but he had changed.

He started “Empty Hands Music,” a 501c3, to extend kindness and encourage gratitude throughout the world through “selfless service, music and love.” “We arrive on this planet empty-handed,” stated Nimo, “and we will all leave empty-handed, So then, how and in what spirit do we want to spend the time in between?”

Recently, he teamed up with an old pal, Daniel Nahmod, and brought together dozens of people from around the world to create a beautiful, soul-stirring music video called “Grateful.” View it here:

“All that I am, All that I see, All that I’ve been, and all that I’ll ever be is a blessing. It’s so amazing and I’m grateful for it all.“ ~ Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod

Inspired by the 21-Day Gratitude Challenge, the song celebrates the human spirit and all of life’s blessings. For the three weeks, over 11,000 participants from 118 countries learned that gratitude is a habit cultivated consciously and a muscle built over time.

Lord, today I offer You a heart of thanksgiving and praise in all my daily experiences. Inspire me to be joyful in all circumstances, to pray continually, and to always give thanks to You. I’m grateful for it all. Amen