Monday, September 16, 2024

Notes To My Younger Self

 “Don't worry, stay healthy. Adolescence goes by so quickly.” ~ Ecclesiastes 11:10

Dear younger me:

As write this letter to 10-year-old me, I’m flooded with memories of our past and the adventures that led us here. If allowed to throw out a couple of the lousy ones and keep the best ones, you will do just fine over the next several decades.

Every step you’ll take, and every experience you’ll have, will shape the person you will eventually become. So, listen closely to the words I’m sharing from the future.

Resist the urge to grow up too fast. Be patient, God has much planned for you. Enjoy this time in your life because youth and vitality don’t last forever.

You are unique. Embrace your individuality, your quirks, and your passions; each will make your journey extraordinary. Don’t let others define you. Remember that you’re awesome in God’s eyes and nothing you achieve or bomb in life will change His love for you.

It's perfectly natural to feel unsure and doubt yourself. Life is a series of discoveries; each challenge you face presents a chance to learn and mature. Don’t hide your pain or isolate yourself. Use your story to help others feel less alone in theirs. Know that asking for help and guidance reflects strength, not weakness.

When you stumble or encounter setbacks, give yourself grace. Never let failures define you. Pick yourself up, push forward, and treat yourself with the compassion you’d offer a friend suffering tough times. You’re stronger, braver, and more resilient than you can imagine.

Believe in yourself. Trust your instincts. Embrace the trials and savor the moments of pure bliss. Keep your heart open and your mind curious. Always stay true to your values.

Friends will come and go; some last a lifetime, others leave inedible marks in a mere flash. Cherish all the connections you make and the family you’re born into. Tell them how much you love them as often as you can.

Be grateful for the abundance of blessings surrounding you. If you search prayerfully, you’ll find them everywhere. Never stop believing that you can change this world. By setting a Christ-like example, you will make a difference in the lives of many.

Take life seriously, but don’t let that dwarf the simple moments of joy and laughter. Have fun: dance like nobody’s watching, sing like no one’s listening, and explore the world with childlike curiosity.

I wish I could take your hand and guide you through the journey ahead. But that’s God’s job and He has great plans for you. Every step you take, every choice you make, will lead you to where I am now. And though the path isn’t always easy, it’s shaping you into someone I’m already proud of.

Love always, your much older you.

Open the warmth of my heart, Lord. Teach me to be Your disciple and a humble example for the lost people in my daily walks. Give me boldness and clarity as I speak of Your love and mighty works in my conversations and writings. Amen