Friday, September 6, 2024

Quiet Faith

 “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." ~ 1 Peter 5:6

He’s one of the most well-known actors in Hollywood, but a side of him has been kept private for years: his enduring Christian faith and life of service.

Born in Detroit, he grew up in a quiet, middle-class family. Seeking both better forecasts and prospects, the family moved to the San Fernando Valley in 1948. With dashing good looks and fabulous athletic abilities, high tuition fees delayed his dream of attending college.

He paid his own way through junior college and ultimately won a basketball scholarship to USC, where he studied business. It was there that a drama coach suggested he try acting.

After graduation, he joined the National Guard, serving part-time in the 160th Infantry Regiment for six years. The lessons and values he learned from the US Military shaped him into a man of integrity. To this day, he remains proud of his military service and supports a variety of veteran charities.

After several minor film and TV parts, the 26-year-old actor won the lead role in the Magnum P I detective series - one that gained a People’s Choice Award in 1981. It also changed Tom Selleck’s life forever, propelling him into Hollywood stardom and a star on the Walk of Fame in 1986.

As Selleck’s career took off, he continued to have a strong, personal faith in God. “As good as this business has been to me, life is about much more important things. I’m not particularly religious, but I believe Almighty God guides us through life’s journey.”

He expresses his faith more subtly, letting his actions speak for him. As a humble Christian, Tom takes his earthly vocation seriously, but friends reveal there’s no doubt about the seriousness of his Christian faith.

Jillie Joan Mack, his wife of over 35 years, remains his leading lady, his co-star in life’s grandest production. For him, the most enchanting aspect of their romance is their enduring friendship. It is a bond as unbreakable as the Hollywood Hills.

The 78-year-actor, in perhaps his final season of “Blue Bloods,” has been secretly battling severe arthritis. He’s said to be “riddled with pain so severe” that he’s forced to use a stunt double on the show to film ordinary scenes, such as getting out of his police car. Yet he “soldiers” on.

Like Jesus, who the night before His death prayed fervently to God the Father as sweat and blood dripped from His face, Tom doesn’t complain or get excited! A lack of animation doesn’t mean a heart that lacks passion. Sometimes it means the heart is actively listening to God’s gentle whisper out of the public’s view.

We certainly need more stand-up folks like Tom Selleck in Hollywood!

Lord Jesus, we’re a culture that’s so arrogant and self-centered. Help me become more aware of what I say and do. Help me to let my actions reflect the love I have for You and the love I have for others. Amen