Thursday, September 26, 2024

Take the Plunge

“When anxious, through prayer and thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” ~ Philippians 4:6

Adrenalin junkie would never be a phrase describing her. But after playful ribbing from her teens, she reluctantly agreed to try the towering water slide.

Climbing to the top of “Echo Falls,” Erin felt the rush of excitement that brought memories of much younger days on her school playground.

The sun shined brilliantly. August heat amplified screams of giddy laughter as the mother of three readied herself for the frightening descent into the aquamarine pool seven stories below.

She glanced down the severe descent, swallowed her fear, and took the plunge, accelerating downward at a frightening speed.

It wouldn’t have been so bad except… Erin couldn’t swim.

She anticipated safely dropping off the end of the slide into shallow water. Instead, she found herself breathless underwater, fighting a suffocating state of panic and fear.

She struggled to keep her head above the watery grave that waited to swallow her whole. Fighting desperately for her last gulp of air, Erin sucked in a mouthful of water instead and choked violently. Cold water filled her lungs; blood pounded behind her eyes. She desperately wanted to cry out for help but couldn’t breathe enough air. Once-flailing arms and legs quickly weakened.

“This is it. This is how my life is going to end!” she thought.

Through the muffled sound of the water, Erin heard a lifeguard’s screeching whistle. An arm appeared and heroically pulled her safely out of danger. Panting rapidly and coughing heavily, Erin thanked the lifeguard, who looked at her quizzically.

He then pointed to the inscription on the side of the pool that read ‘Depth 3 feet.’ “All you had to do was stand up,” he said with a sympathetic voice.

Isn’t that how life happens sometimes? It's like we’re drowning. We feel overwhelmed by too many responsibilities, major life changes, or overinflated expectations that can lead to many physical and mental symptoms.

I’m not sure what’s currently happening in your life, or what overwhelming situations you may face, but we will all face unexpected challenges and heartaches. But in the midst of it all, we have a God who, like that lifeguard, stands ready and willing to rescue us. Remember:

No matter how unqualified you feel for the tasks ahead, God equips us with all we need.

No matter how rapidly you’re gliding down life’s slippery slope, God will always bring hope.

No matter how overwhelmed your feelings, God will never let you drown.

So, take the plunge. Prayerfully and gratefully ask God for guidance and support. Put aside your pride and let God work His magic. We simply need to trust that He’s got this. The more that we let go and give Him control, the easier the challenging times will be.

Lord, even though I’m easily overcome by life’s challenges, I thank You for always being there for me. Remind me that by the power of Your Word, I’m well-equipped for the journey You’ve prepared me for. Amen