Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Grampo's Gift

“All who believe in Him shall have eternal life." ~ John 6:40
Today was a special day.  Shawn wasn't exactly sure why though; that's the thing about being 4 years old - nobody tells you anything.   Technically speaking, he was 5 if you count the 9 months he was being 'borned.'
But Shawn had a keen eye; that's why he knew today was different.  So he wanted to get Grampo something special to mark the occasion.  After all, Grampo had given him the first gift he could remember - a small metal truck.  He took it from his pocket and examined it.  It didn't matter that some of its paint was gone.  Grampo said that gave it 'character' - whatever that meant. 
Grampo’s truck had character too; it was missing a lot of paint.  He wished he could buy him a new F-something like the ones on TV.  But Shawn had only a few coins in his bank.  Sometimes Grampo would let him ride in the back.   He never treated Shawn like the baby everyone else did.  
Grampo would always put down whatever he was doing when Shawn arrived, pour 2 big glasses of lemonade, and listen to whatever he had to tell him.  Some days they worked on a big puzzle, or washed the truck, or went to the library – always together.
Suddenly Shawn got an idea; just in time.  "Time to get ready pal," Shawn's mom yelled.
He put on his church clothes and slipped into his best shoes.  They hurt a little when he walked but today was for Grampo. 
The family arrived at a strange building.  The room inside was filled with flowers.  Grampo slept in a beautiful box at the very front.  Dad said softly, "He went to live with the angels, pal.  Would you like to see him?”
They walked to where Grampo was sleeping.  People crying confused Shawn.  He knew from Sunday School that because Grampo loved Jesus, the angels would wake him up soon and take him to a super cool place.  He’d be very happy there; and even get to hang out with Jesus. 
Grampo rested peacefully.  He wasn’t wearing his play clothes though; the angels might not recognize him in that suit.
Shawn reached into the coffin a placed the small truck that Grampo had given him years ago.  “I love you Grampo,” he whispered.  You can give my truck to a boy in heaven who doesn't have one."  Then he smiled and found a place to sit.
Just before the Funeral Director closed the coffin for the final time, he noticed the small truck beneath the old man's folded hands.  But when he reached down to remove it - it disappeared.  Had he only imagined the toy, or had the old man taken it with him to the great beyond?
Dear Jesus, I miss Grampo, but someday I’ll see him again because I love You too!  Please take of him until I get there.  We’ll have a lot to catch up on.  ~ Love Shawn