Sunday, August 24, 2014


“Let God lead!” ~ Psalm 118:8
Carrie ran every morning.  She used the time to plan; to frame the upcoming day’s strategies.   Every event had a purpose - she left almost nothing to chance.
The roar of thunder on this spring morning sent a swallow cutting through the air like a surgeon’s scalpel.  As the skies darkened and the wind strengthened, Carrie picked up her pace hoping to avoid the inevitable downpour.  She hadn’t planned for this.  It was going to be a wet run! 
The street was canopied with majestic oak trees, like the ones you see on plantation roads.  A drop here, a drop there.  Soon it rained cats and dogs, and a few frogs too!  The skies grew sharp and brilliant; she dared not stay under the tree’s cover for fear of being struck by lightning.
Then the clouds burst; a gentle rain turned torrential. 
A stranger motioned Carrie to his porch.   She’d seen him before; kinda cute.  Gorgeous really!  She thought maybe he’d said hello one day but dismissed it as wishful thinking on her part.  Out of breath and soaked to the skin, Carrie climbed his steps two at a time.
“Are you crazy?” he asked in a charming sort of way.
“Probably a little,” she replied flirtatiously.  “It’s just that I love to run, especially in the rain!”
He looked at her quizzically, inviting further explanation.
“My younger brother died years ago,” she began.  I often feel his presence when the rain falls.  Sometimes I can’t help but cry.”
“Why’s that?” he questioned.  “Why does rain make you cry?”
“Oh, it’s not the rain!” Carrie continued.  “The rain frightened him.  I calmed him by explaining that it was just God watering His plants.  When the wind blew down limbs and leaves, it was God’s way of pruning His trees.”  An awkward pause followed.
“Thanks for sharing your porch,” she offered.    Sensing her discomfort, he invited her in for hot tea.   They made small talk.  Then Carrie started for home surrendering her cell number and the hope of a future date.
Tonight, as thunder rumbled in the distance, she reflected back on that fateful day nearly 2 years ago.  After spending countless nights in bars and night clubs fitted in red-carpet-style (edgy) outfits decorated with perfect hair and nails, she’ll marry the man she met that rainy day wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt.  She smiled into the mirror, “God must have a great sense of humor!”
Love is an incredible thing, the kind of gift that puts purpose in your life and happiness in your heart.  It isn’t found on the internet – it simply happens, and often when least expected.  But God’s love is always present and free for the asking . . . unconditional, indestructible, eternal.
Lord, Your love for us is so overwhelming it can take our breath away, so forgiving it can make us weep uncontrollably.  Sometimes I deny it, fight it or try to ignore it.  Help me to understand that I will always be incomplete without it.  Amen