Sunday, August 31, 2014

Labor Day

“We have good times and bad; nothing in life is certain." ~ Ecclesiastes 7:14  
Allison scanned the birthing room savoring the experience . . . the coziness, the candles, the music that calmed the tension.  Everything was perfect!
They knew they’d wanted a second child.  Today she was about to meet her new son.  Her heart could hardly contain the excitement.  This time life will change for good.
When her infant daughter had been born jaundiced 3 years ago, she prayed that if God would make Chloe better, she’d do anything.  She’d go to church; she’d donate to the poor.  She just wanted Chloe healthy.
When she did get better, her appreciation was raw and genuine.  But it wasn’t long before real life set in and Allison was complaining to Tom once again about chipped Formica and how much she wanted granite countertops.
How quickly her gratitude faded.  Having a fit, healthy child makes it easy to forget the painful memories of when they’d thought something might be seriously wrong.
She pushed one last time and watched as a tiny little body appeared, arms flailing, voice wailing.  His eyes bored into her soul.  That was the defining moment of her life.
Aiden was taken to the warming bed where nurses smiled uneasily as they checked him over.  Something was wrong.
Soon the pediatrician swaddled Aiden snugly in a blanket and handed him back to Allison.  Dr. Li knelt down next to the bed so that she could look up at Allison, not down.  She smiled warmly, never taking her eyes off the new Mom.
I need to tell you something," the doctor said. 
Nothing could’ve prepared them for the words that would come next.  Dr. Li smiled again and squeezed Allison’s hand.  “The first thing I'm going to tell you is that your son Aiden is beautiful.  And perfect.  But there are some features that lead me to believe he has Down syndrome."
Time froze.   
Allison cried – hard.  She’d wonder later: Did Aiden feel love?  Did I tell him "happy birthday" and smother him with happy kisses?
Then Tom smiled as his eyes welled with tears.  “Aiden is one lucky little boy.  We adore him already," he said scooping him up and hugging him lovingly.  “Thank you Lord,” he continued, “for Aiden and the great things You’ve planned for our family . . . for our son.  Amen”
Over the course of the next several days, Allison too fell in love.  Her tears soon turned to tears of joy; she knew they were destined to be together.  Aiden, their special, energetic, perfect, unique boy would provide a constant reminder that life’s not about granite countertops.  Life’s about love and truly experiencing the beauty we’re meant to know.
Precious Lord, You tell me that You’ll never leave me to walk alone, nor to carry these burdens by myself.  But sometimes I don’t hear Your voice.  Stay close to me, and help me to remember this life is but a moment compared to Your promised eternity.  Amen